The Inbetweeners 2 (2014) Poster

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Inbetweeners on the Beach
kosmasp23 October 2014
Actually in Germany they still used the title they gave the first Inbetweeners movie, which was Sex on the beach. Now they added "Down under" which stands clearly for Australia ... well and probably something else, but I don't have to point that joke out for you I reckon. Apart from weird German titles, this has a few things that work better than in the first movie, but the first had a different kind of charm.

Well at least for someone like me, who hadn't seen the TV show (and still hasn't). The four boys are at it again, though one of them seems to have hit the mother-load over in Australia. Which is the starting point of the new adventure and the reason they all find themselves in Australia. Predictable? Yes. Still funny? Also yes
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Did someone forget to write an ending
poan-72-6720147 August 2014
As a inbetweeners fan of the series and first movie I was looking forward to this movie and cant say I was diappointed but then on the other hand I cant say it was anything else than OK.

There were enough gags in their as you'd expect and one or two are worth the money on their own but the script seems very contrived to fit in certain characters or in creating a reason for the movie in the first place.

The real thing that let this down was after 90 minutes of chasing trying to achieve their goal the whole movie is wrapped up in 2 mins and then it finishes apart from some Hangover-style end credit scenes.

This movie did all the classic inbetweeners things to the extreme , I'm not sure what they could do if they ever made a 3rd movie

All in all an OK movie but I wont be too sad it thats the last we see of them.

I'd be happier watching repeats of the TV series.
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Disappointing end to a legacy
hooleydavid12 October 2018
For me, the first film wasn't at the standard of the TV series, but I was accepting of that because films rarely are as good as the series. I was disappointed that they then decided to milk it one last time with a second film, which bares no real relevance and adds no real closure to the previous title.

It isn't as if the first film ended on a cliff-hanger, it's not as if they had to close anything off. For me, this was a film made for the money they knew they could make. Okay it's funny, but it's very average and easy humour.

The Inbetweeners should have remained as just the 3 series, but I understood why they'd want a grand slam finish with a movie, but the second was unnecessary. I'd watch it again, but it's not something I'd jump at watching. More of pass time than a hobby.
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Good-Natured And Satisfying Sequel
CalRhys24 August 2014
The typical good-natured yet vulgar humour the four lads have offered for years has returned in this hilarious sequel to the beloved predecessor and television series. Whilst definitely more gross than the first film, this enjoyable instalment in the comedy series has a more cinematic feel set against the stunning Australian outback. A film that overcomes the flaws that were present in the first film. Whilst the majority of the laughs generated from the film were conceived from shocks and puerile humour, the general light-hearted look into the lives of the four esteemed teenagers leaves us contented with their satisfying conclusion.
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Fairly funny but a step down from before
Red-Barracuda12 August 2014
The Inbetweeners was a great TV series, it was followed by a movie spin-off that was pretty good considering how those types of things usually are and now we have a sequel. Both films do that thing that virtually all film versions of TV series do and that is take their sitcom characters and make them go on a holiday abroad. It sort of worked quite well in the first movie when they go to Spain because it seemed like exactly the kind of thing that the characters would have done and while that movie did have some of the contrivances you get with spin-off movies, it was on the whole very amusing. This sequel also goes abroad, this time to Australia. You can imagine whoever pitched this idea thought it would be the logical next destination because it's even further afield than the last one. What's next? Perhaps 'The Inbetweeners 3: In Space'.

The plot-line is certainly quite awkward in getting the boys to Oz and it remains quite a weak story-line in general throughout. The boys are all basically exactly the same, with the same traits and situations, just now in Australia. We have some other characters too, in the form of pretentious spiritual travellers but not much beyond that. It's a weaker film than the last one and you do feel that maybe this is the end of the line for these characters. But the four leads are still likable and well played. Simon Bird as Will is probably the one with the best story arc here and he consequently is the funniest character. It's certainly funny in places and definitely one for fans of the series to at least see but it's not up to the standard of before really.
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Very disappointing
stefan-woo6 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted The Inbetweeners 2 to be good, I really did. Yes, I did laugh at times because ultimately the characters are still funny however the film started slow, picked up very slightly and then came crashing down. Their was no ending, the film just stopped. Any and all of the emotionally engaging stuff was palmed off immediately, Jay's quest to get Jane back which ended with an emphatic 'no' it didn't get a laugh, Will's trouble with another generic blonde girl who I can't even remember the name of, where was Allison? Simon's trouble with psycho girlfriend Lucy who seemed perfectly fine in the first film and finally Neil who had no story as such but that's fair enough, because, well it's Neil. Bitterly disappointed. Even the supposed emotional moment with the group stuck in the desert wasn't done well because ultimately we knew they would be fine. It made me smile at times and got a chuckle out of me but it just wasn't put together very well.
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The Inbetweeners 2
phubbs26 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
So after the somewhat mediocre affair of the first film the boys are back for more vulgar adventures, this time down under. That's pretty much my whole synopsis right there, this film is virtually the same spiel as the first film but set in Australia, game over.

The film follows on from the last movie with Simon having relationship issues with the girl he met in Malia and Will doesn't seem to be with the nice blonde he met in Malia anymore. Neil has also moved on from his girl but Jay has run off to Oz to find the chubby bird he also met in Malia. So most of what happened in the last movie has been jettisoned for a clean slate and basically the story revolves around Jay going after his bird from the first movie.

No sooner have the guys met up in Oz and discovered Jay is actually working in a nightclub toilet (nicely done), Will bumps into an old flame and all four are dragged off up the eastern coast to Bryon Bay following her. After a slow start the story does pick up a bit when we meet Jay's uncle in Australia, I can't deny the obligatory stereotypical beer swilling racist foul mouthed Aussie is a hoot if somewhat predictable with the verbal gags. From there on the movie does nail each and every stereotype perfectly from the guitar playing, bead wearing, bracelet adorned, backpacking UK hippies with their silly head wear and earrings.

I guess its no surprise the whole film is one big predictable cliché, we all know that right, we know to expect that but does this make for a fun flick? In all honesty no it doesn't, I still can't quite work out how or why this film has done so well here in the UK, well I know why...its because the TV show was so popular and it has a huge following that's why. I must declare I found myself second guessing almost every scene, every line of dialog and every gag, the whole scenario, the whole setup...everything was just so formulaic and predictable it really felt quite lame dare I say.

Sure there are scenes and lines that made me laugh of course. The most horrendous of these must be the lumps of poo shooting down the water chute after Neil has an accident at the top. This wasn't exactly funny...more utterly disgusting as the lumps of poo did look very real and the fact they hit Simon in the face followed by him gushing vomit did leave me actually gagging. Seeing Jay wanking under the covers as Will comes close to getting laid was very amusing, the lads getting stranded in the outback brings up some good lines despite the fact you knew right from the start that whole scenario was bound to happen and Will having a spiritual campfire moment (and outburst) with the hippies was quite good.

I did find myself enjoying this in places but generally it all felt extremely repetitive in my opinion. Its all a thinly disguised rehash of the first movie, the plot is near identical and follows the same routine. The lads try to get in with the pretty folk, one or two of them manage to nab a sexy bird somehow, they all fall out over silly issues, they almost get their leg over but end up getting dumped in the end for a jock and then finally making up with each other. Hell even the verbal and visual gags are almost the same stuff rehashed but just slightly altered, instead of the 'pussay patrol' its now the 'banter brigade', worth a giggle but meh. The location this time made things more interesting and visually more exciting which I liked although I wish more had been set in the wilds of the outback. The short teaser trailers did tend to make you think that but alas twas no more than a tease.

The finale is again all the same guff from the first movie literately scene for scene including the end credit extras, plus it does feel like they shoehorned in as many cast regulars from the TV show as possible when they didn't really need to be there (Jay's dad?). In the end I do think this is better than the first movie outing but only marginally. The Aussie setting is great but lets be honest here...this film could of been set anywhere as they don't really take much advantage of that Aussie factor. I do believe (personally) that this franchise has now run its course and should quite while its ahead, its become very repetitive and making another in yet another location may not succeed.

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Later Bender's
MattBrady0995 December 2014
A squeal that didn't suck and actually was better than the first movie.

The story to The Inbetweeners: Movie 2 is basically about Neil, Simon, and Will join Jay on his gap year in Australia.

If your not a fan of these sex jokes and these dick jokes or your not a fan of the series, then this is not the movie for you, but if you are then this movie will make you laugh and smile.

This movie is more funny and even more gross then the first movie and the TV show. The characters have all there moments to shine in this film and the Jokes were so funny that everybody in the cinema laughed there ass off.

P.S "See you later benders".
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Strangely Hilarious. The Best Sequel!
danielbelcher976 August 2014
I have always been an avid watcher of The Inbetweeners TV program and have enjoyed it. The first Inbetweeners movie was fairly funny on a first viewing but didn't trump the quotable down to earth TV show.

The Inbetweeners 2 from the Teaser and the Trailers looked like a predictable sequel that used the same jokes and quotes. I thought the same old jokes would be repeated since the teaser had a very unfunny twist on the famous "BUS ******" line. This set me up for the usual sequel experience (Worse).

I was incredibly surprised by how much I enjoyed the film. There were several scenes where I was crying with laughter! Its cringe toilet humor had worked and I was in tears at several moments.

The whole film was embarrassing to watch just like the original Inbetweeners. That was always what made the shows so good. I was uncontrollably laughing and looking away because it was too much!

There were some unfunny moments where the jokes failed after a minute of building them up. I found that this was more common at the start and the bad jokes at the start made the hilarious jokes stand out even more.

There where some graphic parts in the film. All were dirty rather than violent and anyone who is made sick by the sight of very very dirty slapstick toilet jokes won't enjoy some of the funniest parts of the film which could ruin the experience...

Overall I would have to say one of the best comedies and the BEST sequel I have ever seen. It wasn't just me and my 17 year old friends. The whole cinema was cracking up! If you enjoyed the first Inbetweeners movie you will enjoy this, since in my opinion it trumps it in almost every way.
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Better Than The First
slightlymad228 August 2014
Simon (Joe Thomas) Neil (Blake Harrison) and Narrator Will (Simon Bird) head down under to visit Jay (James Buckley) in Australia, where he's Sydney's premier DJ and on top of having a threesome with the Minogue sisters, he has models throwing themselves at him every day in his new mansion.

Once the gang are reunited, they set out to explore the country, falling in with a group of pretentious travellers, who pretentious Will is desperate to bond with, because A, he is embarrassed by his friends, and B, he fancies his chances with a girl in the group.

It is a good move, that all the lads are not trying to pull girls this time around... As the joke of them trying and failing to have sex wore thin by the time the movie came around. This time it's only Will chasing a girl, and failing to have sex. Simon on the other hand is doing his best to get away from Lucy (the girl from the first movie, who has had a complete personality transplant since we last seen her) back in London.

Whilst it's better than the first, (let's be honest it could hardly have been worse) it's still not a patch on the TV show. Some situations are hilarious, but some (ie Wills song being the best example of this) the joke wears thin very quick, and it is just long and painful till it reaches it's conclusion.

The lads all know their characters so well they can play them in their sleep, just as well there is no character development. Will just replaces Simons character From the first movie, but he is a pretentious puppy dog following the girl instead of a naive one, and they all gave the level of performance you would expect -Harrison is the standout performer- from people who have played characters for this long.

Crude, mindless, foul mouthed and happy go lucky, the movie breezes along grabbing every easy laugh it can.
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Distinctly Average
gapiro6 August 2014
The Inbetweeners 2 - the sequel to the original amazing film. What a disappointment.

Distinctly average film with some laugh out loud moments, but mostly cringe and not funny jokes. The ending was very sudden and not well thought out. It smells of an attempt to cash in but the material is not fresh/original and doesn't really work compared to the original. The original was witty, clever and had lots of great awkward moments that you could empathise with however the sequel seems to just try and recreate that rather than try and be original in its own right, and as such just leaves a bit of a sour taste in the mouth.
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Brilliant Sequel! MUST SEE
bbihenni6 August 2014
I wouldn't usually review a movie... but this film was so good i felt it needed one! From the beginning to the end it was fantastic! Couldn't keep my eyes off the screen! Had me laughing throughout. Will certainly be seeing this again!

The screen was packed and this was at a late showing put on as extra due to the demand! The characters were brilliant as before however Neil was particularly funny!

A must see!

Best Scene The water park scene has me crying me laughter! wished it lasted longer!
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Inbetween on this one
clarehump10 August 2014
As a massive fan I went to see this the first day, but tried not to have expectations which were too high. I have to say I was a little bit disappointed. I laughed out loud about three times and the other seems were mildly amusing.

Scenes were too fast paced at times but then other times they seemed to drag. The story line just wasn't there for me. It could have been so much better. It was all a bit samey, I know these characters are ones we know and love, but seriously, the plot had pretty much even done before.

Will chasing a blonde who is using him and ditching his mates. Jay crying about a girl that dumps him. Simon between a rock and a hard place with a girl. Neil, well just been Neil but more stupid then ever. Its all been done in the series and the first film and just regurgitated.

The plot was weak on which most of the jokes were based. Lots about the travellers they meet and how they are 'British gappies' who think they are renowned travellers. Just wasn't that funny, or obviously funny. And the ending was far too rushed and abrupt.

What annoyed me most is the fact that these characters have not grown at all. They are still exactly the same as they were at the beginning of the series. Yes we love these characters, don't change their personalities, but let them evolve a little bit. They are exact the same only even more annoying and exaggerated. Eg. Jay so obsessed with gash that it's not funny anymore.

Will has no friends at uni - that just wouldn't happen. What was funny about the show was its realism and realistic scenes.

That been said it is well worth a watch if you are a fan. Just don't get too excited!
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The downside of success...
The_Movie_Cat25 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
With the original, so-so Inbetweeners movie generating surprisingly high box office, a sequel was inevitable. Sadly it's a sequel that's made by people too in love with the success of the first.

Almost written to order, we get by-the-numbers gross out gags, the now- tedious cameos from the parents (how many times can you laugh at Will's mum being desired, or the 1000th "Neil's dad is gay" gag?) and the total absence of any genuine characterisation whatsoever.

Most importantly, there's no realism in the film. Neil was always slow, but he's a human cartoon here, and the Australian Uncle is just Jay's dad with a different accent. Everything from the plot, to the performances and motivation is phoned in and xeroxed from previous glories.

The likable television series, while perhaps unlikely to be described as "sophisticated", had a good-natured heart to it, the idiocy and inadequacy of the leads the joke. Here their rampant misogyny is the joke itself, including Neil taking advantage of a woman under the influence of cannabis. Cannabis was a plot point of an entire episode of the series, of course, but here it's casually shown as something Simon smokes, while with Neil's reaction we're called upon to laugh at a rape joke. I thought such things had died out of cinemas in the 1980s. Though the final joke being a routine about transgender might also showcase the somewhat antiquated, mean-spirited tone.

The TV show coasted by on a nostalgic feeling... the 1980s songs in the end credits, the feelings of first love, school discos, etc. It also contained leads who were flawed but ultimately decent human beings. The Inbetweeners pictured in this 2014 movie aren't particularly likable individuals, and the women involved are just ciphers.

A sad end to a great TV series, a series that tried to break new ground each year. The movies do nothing of the sort, content to recreate past glories. Other than the dying scene, there's perhaps little that's new in this film, the remainder just a tired, uninspired reheating of old jokes, dumbed down to the lowest common denominator of humour.
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Pretty bad
Red_Identity26 August 2014
Wow, was this a huge step down from the first film, which was already a step down from the great television series. It seems like the actors are all trying their best, but when the material is just so painfully unfunny and sort of embarrassing at times, there's so much one can do. It's not all bad though, there's some few delightful, funny, or entertaining scenes. But yeah, this is a huge disappointment. I just don't even know what to say, this is just stupid humor we've come to expect from bad writing, not the kind the show mostly had. At worse, this is grating. At its best, it's mildly amusing, just mildly. Yeah, I just can't recommend this at all.
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Bunch of Sheila's.......
FlashCallahan4 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The inevitable sequel arrives, and this time the makers have gone all holiday on the buses Mach 2, and sent the lads to meet Jay in Australia to join him one his gap year.

Of course, his legendary lies irk the boys somewhat, as his palace and D.J job are nothing more than a tent and a stint as a toilet attendant.

So they meet up with some pseudo bohemians, and go a travelling....

The roaring success of the first movie was always going to warrant a sequel, because if a movie makes £40 million plus in the U.K., it'd be daft not to.

The first time I saw the original movie, I didn't like it one bit, I thought it was a cash in, and made so much money because it was released just as the target demographic were coming off the depicted holidays and getting ready to go to Uni, and had a connection.

So I wasn't looking forward to this, but to prep myself, I saw the three series and the film again (which is better third time along), and just took it for what it was, four lads bonding with added gross out jokes.

And apart from the awful gross out jokes that haven't been funny in over fifteen years, I found the film to be quite endearing, and its a marked improvement on the original.

The plus points: The best parts if the film are when the four are just talking about life and their fantasies, the scenes in the car are brilliant, and really hark back to the original series.

Also, the way the travellers are depicted, total morons who think because they have dreads and can play an instrument have some sort of one up-man ship on every one else. Will states the truth, and his little outburst at an obviously rich boy back packer, is the highlight of the film.

The negative points: The depiction of the female characters here is just Neanderthal. They are either promiscuous, or have some sort of mental health problem. Or both. The writers really concentrate on other aspects, rather than make sub characters believable.

And as said before,the gross out humour doesn't really fit into the movie, and the big set piece in the water park, is cringe inducing for all the wrong reasons, and just feels forced.

But it has some decent observations, and the cast are as good as ever.

But anymore would really be scraping the barrel....
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Funny but not as good as the first one
clairefinlay-1613125 November 2019
This movie has it's funny moments but not as good as the first one. Good movie through. The one liners are funny and Will & Neil are my favourite characters. Neil's facial expressions are funny and it's that blank look he gives so funny and when Will tries to act cool and it doesn't work lol I think the series is funnier and I prefer the series.
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Not as good as the first one !!!
chloegalley25 August 2019
Still a good film to watch but the first one was better. Still really funny to watch and does have a lot of rudest in it . Just a feel good film to watch
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They're BA-CK!!
natashabowiepinky4 September 2014
I am in the unusual position of having never actually watched the series, but I did see the previous movie. And from my perspective, these are four of the biggest idiots to ever come from our shores. Neil is Too Dumb To Live, Jay is a sex obsessed loser, Simon is a walking doormat and Will might be smart academically, but in social situations is a total liability.

In Ibiza, they made complete fools of themselves, before everything came together for the ubiquitous Happy Ending. Here, Down Under, amongst all the usual Aussie stereotypes, things go even worse. And they don't really improve. Ever. As for the final scenes, well let me just say that the combined effect of the abruptness and the pessimism of them made me somewhat annoyed that this, according to the creators, is the last we'll see of these lovable misfits. Way to close the cycle, guys.

The Inbetweeners is primarily a comedy of embarrassment... and boy, do we have some doozies here. As a demonstration of the movie's ambition to ramp up every awkward moment into a full blown trauma causing humiliation, the bit at the water park would be a good place to start. To begin with: Neil s**ts himself at the top of the slide. This would perhaps be enough for most films, but in TI2 they don't understand the meaning of the word 'excess'. Not only does a piece of the offending fecal matter find it's way down the flume, it also end's up in poor old Will's face at the bottom... who then proceeds to spray sick EVERYWHERE like a sprinkler, forcing an evacuation of the pool. AND in front The Girl Of His Dreams.

We laugh, but we feel guilty for laughing. We LIKE these lads and want them to succeed... even as they fail miserably at every endeavour... and bring a lot of their problems on themselves. They never get a break... which I suppose it the point, as the script wouldn't be half as hilarious as it is if our quintet didn't keep putting their collective foot in it.

I think I slightly prefer the first one, which had a more cohesive plot (this felt more like a collection of sketches) and several Bigger Laughs. But the two complement each other well, and when watched together could provide a raucous evening of entertainment. I'd like to say it provided a fitting send-off.... but, nope. More, please..... and TRY to be slightly kinder to them this time......? 7/10
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Best big screen comedy for ages.
Gremlyn7015 November 2014
This film resulted in a manifestation of what I like to call 'a lot of laughing', hence achieved it's raison d'être. Don't eat while watching, you may choke. It has not tried to change the winning formula form the series or the first film yet in my opinion was as enjoyable as any episode if not more so. I hope that long may it continue and look forward to 'Coach Trip: Scotland' or 'Ocean Cruise' when the lads reach their octogenarian era. Having lately seen Neighbors (yes spelt incorrectly), 22 Jump Street and numerous other American comedies I can safely say this has trounced them all without trying too hard. If you haven't already you can stop reading now as these lines are for the requisite 10 line review for IMDb, just buy, rent or go to the cinema and see this film and enjoy.
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Several of the years funniest movie moments so far.
CharlieGreenCG6 August 2014
Like most close school friends come school leavers, we often go our own separate ways. Jay (James Buckley) for instance has gone down under to Australia, where he is living it large with countless women at his luxury mansion whilst knocking out Koala's with one punch – or so he says. After announcing such antics he invites his pals Will, Simon and Neil to join him.

Once there and settled in at a hostel full of spiritual travellers, Will spots Katie (Emily Berrington) an attractive fwrend' from his previous, much posher prep-school, who entices him to go along with Aussie traditions and more. Continuing with the usual Inbetweeners style they quickly let the banter flow, bruises glow and bushes show like we have never seen before.

Spun off from the Channel 4 sitcom, the 'Betweeners remain conventional to what we all remember and expect – so much so that the gags and one- liners now seem rudimentary like the Family Guy or The Simpsons in-jokes that we have all grown to love. Only far, far ruder – which is why it has a 15 rating slapped on it.

Featuring (for the second blockbuster this year) the song 'The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face' – this time sung by Will (Simon Bird), it was as you imagine… A possessive girlfriend who cuts Simon's (Joe Thomas) trademark hoodies; Jay's (James Buckley) The Wolf On Wall Street spoof tour of life down under (minus the drug intake), and Neil's (Blake Harrison) usual, well special Forrest Gump behaviour – plus much more, overall it is great fun!

Although now all in their late 20's and early 30's, the boys are back (for another 93 minutes at least anyway) Yet producers (Damon Beesley & Iain Morris) and Inbetweener actors alike have all stated that they would 'never again' come back to relive the characters and that this will in fact be the last outing… but knowing the trend of recent films expect a reunion in about 12-15 years from now.

Yes – the fwrends' are back and easily provide several of this year's funniest movie moments so far, confirming why they are quickly becoming the UK's most successful comedy show. Move over Monty Python, there is a new boy band in town.
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not very funny,badly put together, spoiler alert
jpdhadfield10 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
i was looking forward to this film, thought it was odd there was no trailer or professional reviews, now i know why, its awful, the only bits i liked were the ones with just them in them. Too much of the film is about the other peripheral characters, stereotypical backpackers etc.. dull dull dull, i even drifted off into a day dream half way through the film.its really annoying as i love this show, and to have it ruined is annoying. spoiler alert things i really hated were how Simons girlfriend had a personality transplant, and jay was sleeping in a tent, just ludicrous jokes, that fell flat, wandering round the desert for too long,the beginning should have been an omen, so much money was spent on the beginning, not enough in jokes. i wouldn't recommend this film to anybody, it is their American pie reunion. nearly a turkey
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A crass, but funny, send-off for the guys
bowmanblue2 December 2014
There seem to be two camps of people: those who loved the 'Inbetweeners' TV series and hate their filmic outings and those who loved the TV series and also enjoyed the films. Basically, I have yet to meet anyone who didn't enjoy the three series (so track them down if you haven't already) and yet the films do tend to divide people.

Perhaps both films rely too much on the boys meeting (and therefore interacting) with other characters, instead of concentrating on the banter between the quartet. Plus the story – obviously – has to be stretched out to the full hour and a half length, rather than the 'snappier' twenty-two minute episode length. And, in my opinion, the second film actually surpasses the first in terms of sheer laughs. Yes, it's still not as 'punchy' as the shorter-length episodes, but I found it generally funnier overall than its predecessor.

Basically, if you already know what sort of humour you'll be subjected to in 'The Inbetweeners' movies then you should like this. If you don't, you really better check out a TV episode or two before you chance one of their films. The film, like the series, charts the seemingly never-ending exploits of four hormonally-charged teenage boys and their experiences in wooing the opposite gender. And it's filled with crudeness, lewdness and generally scenes that will make you want to be sick in a swimming pool (you'll have to actually watch the film to get that one).

Don't expect a great plot. Don't expect anything other than a fun film, packed with adult humour which guys will probably be able to relate to, based on their own experiences as hormonally-charged teenagers where nothing/no one seems to go their way. Yes, it's not quite as sharp as the TV series, but it's still a fun way to send the boys off in style.
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Nice improvement over the first film, and a worthy final installment
ZChrisJ199521 August 2014
"The Inbetweeners 2" had huge potential for being a shameless, unfunny cash-in. Luckily this isn't the case, with it in many ways being an improvement over the preceding film, though it does of course bank itself on the first film's success.

The shift to Australia for the majority of the movie is a welcome one, with the plot comprising largely of the four protagonists' fish-out-of- water antics. Being a Gold Coaster myself, it was nice to see how certain locations and landmarks were used(and abused) all in the name of comedy. Will's (Simon Bird) flight down a water park slide being pursued by a rather unsavory object was easily the highlight of the whole film (the whole audience was in stitches). Neil's (Blake Harrison) comparison of the Sydney Opera House to a spaceship was also quite welcome.

Out of the four protagonists, Will tended to get the most attention, from his criticism of a narcissistic dreadlock-wielding hippy to his horrific rendition of a love song. Without the school-based setting, as well as the removal of certain characters from the television show, Jay (James Buckley) and Simon (Joe Thomas) tended to lose a bit of their unique character traits, however they still received their moments.

Some of the jokes did tend to fall flat, but these were often redeemed by some truly brilliant ones, such as the water park scenes and the four lads' desperate methods for acquiring water in the outback.

Even though it didn't wrap things up as well as the first Inbetweeners film, which did so in an overly optimistic, inconsistent way, you could tell that this is going to be the last installment. Given the ages of the protagonists as well as the actors who play them, any other subsequent productions would probably be jumping the shark. However, if there was ever to be an on-screen finale for the four boys/men, you probably couldn't ask for a better one than this.
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oh how the mighty have cashed in.
LydiaOLydia17 September 2014
The inbetweeners series used to be about tightly scripted "off the cuff" clever banter and a pretty good sense of chemistry between the boys. the first movie was a bit looser but fit the bill as a 'vacation' away from the school environment and the plot was at least passable as light fare. even well before the time a piece of Neil's poo slides down a water-slide and hits will in the face, it's clear that the inbetweeners are utterly finished and this is the cast members trying to stretch one more pay day out of a low budget, presumably after the failure of their follow-up series 'chickens.' If you're a fan of the inbetweeners and want to keep cherished memories of them going forward, for the love of god stay away from this film. it's if Monty python made 'the love guru.' avoid at all costs. 2 stars not one simply because 1 is truly bottom of the barrel, but this may be the worst movie of 2014.
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