Allegiant (2016) Poster


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Real drop off from first two!
lonnielongino21 May 2020
Allegiant was rather disappointing considering i really enjoyed the first 2 movies. This one was very lackluster on the action and Tris character was much less involved in the plot. I hate the fact that this movie ended on a cliffhanger though. Because it has been 4 years ago and due to the bad box office this film got, there has been no real try to make a fourth and final film.
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If you are a fan of the books...
FigNewton20 March 2016
I won't bore you with another detailed review of "Allegiant" It's been well covered already but I will say that if you are a fan of the books...

No need to freak out! Was "Allegiant" the movie perfect? No. Not by a long shot. It obliterated and basically stripped many of the complex and more interesting layers that brought the characters body and soul in the book. We were left with a very skeletal, fractured and less interesting story. The movie did veer from the original work quite a bit but the substance of the story was still wasn't lost. We still get the point of what the purpose of the experiment cities were designed for. We get the struggle for power and the fight for humanity to fight for its survival against what seems like insurmountable odds. We get the theme of loyalty and family, ambition and greed vs sacrifice and selflessness. All the elements are there.

Was I annoyed that this movie is part 1 of 2? Not really. I look forward to seeing how the writers and director will adjust the story. Many fans were unhappy with the ending of the book anyway and would like to see it fixed. We'll have to wait and see if the powers that be stick to Veronica Roth's vision or create an alternate. But really, there is no need to feel disappointed or distraught. It is after all an adaptation!

Theo James as Four was awesome, though I felt his character wasn't given much substance in this flick, still he was fun to watch. Bill Skarsgard who played Matthew was a nice surprise. I loved every scene he was in and Miles Teller stole the show as the always self-serving jerk, Peter. We didn't get much from Zoe Kravitz and Maggie Q was great as Tori. Shailene Woodley was OK. She could only work with what she was given. But the fellas carried this movie from beginning to end. Even Jeff Daniels had his moments.

Overall, I thought it was entertaining. Not perfect but I give it a pass.
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A series running on fumes
freemantle_uk12 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
If there was a case for young adult adaptation are all the same and blend together then Allegiant can be used as evidence, borrowing elements from The Hunger Games and Maze Runner series.

After the events of Insurgent the faction system has broken down after the people have found out that Chicago was no more than an experiment. Tris (Shailene Woodley) wants to see the outside world and together with her boyfriend, Four (Theo Jones), brother Caleb (Ansel Elgort), friends Christina (Zoe Kravitz), Tori (Maggie Q) and Peter (Miles Teller - the term friend is being used very loosely) go over the wall and discover a civilisation of scientific advance people lead by David (Jeff Daniels) who explains how the world felt into chaos and why Tris is so special. But, David has his own motives.

I had a soft spot for the Divergent series until now: the first two films were solid films for their target audience and had some fun trippy Inception style scenes in the mindscape. Yet the good will that the series has built has spent and Allegiant used ideas from Mockingjay and The Maze Runner sequels, that people secretly exist beyond the world and they are not to be trusted whilst the desert landscape is like the one in The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials, just with much worst CGI.

Allegiant even rips off the previous films in the series. The climax is similar to what happened in the first two films, the heroes have to break into the central governmental building to stop the villain's scheme and free either friends or family. Insurgent was able to get away with this because there was enough of a different because Tris was stuck in the dreamscape to open mystery box.

Allegiant relies on the characters to be idiots for the plot to continue, especially Tris who should have been more sceptical of the mysterious people who have been watching Chicago, not less. She was both the chosen saviour who had enhanced instincts yet also be incredibly gullible.

The relief in Allegiant is the world fell apart was humanity split between genetically enhanced people and regular people. Basically it was a cross between Gattaca, X-Men and the Animatrix short The Second Renaissance. Humanity split into factions because the genetically enhanced got corrupted, making some virtues greater at the expense of others, making them 'damaged'. Tris is told she's the cure for the 'damaged' and like the kids in the Maze Runner series being the cure for the zombie outbreak. Even for a sci-fi film this is a stretch and Allegiant does not mitigate the criticism the series has suffered that the faction system doesn't make any sense: if anything the revelation makes the concept harder to swallow.

Allegiant shows that the Divergent film series has run its course. It has run out of ideas and the low Rotten Tomatoes score and box office returns has put paid to the idea that there would be a sequel: although there would be a sense of schadenfreude to see big- name and emerging actors forced to appear in a TV movie.
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Realist - Good Movie
cramic223 April 2016
Okay, first things first I am a realist about movies and a huge critic. If I enjoy a movie, Ill make sure it does get good feedback and this relatively goes for Allegiant.

Allegiant was a pretty good movie. The negativity is over-exaggerated, seriously over-exaggerated.

I realize that a majority of people are hauling up all this negativity because they are getting butt hurt that the film sort of strays from the book. Yes, I have read the book but seriously they barely change the plot. I only remember bits of the book since I read it a really long time ago like a year ago and there is nothing to get even remotely butt hurt over.

In summary, if you are scared this is going to be a waste of money and time, I implore you to go and see it for yourself. I went to the cinema with a low expectation of this film and by the end was questioning, what the hell these people are complaining over. Solid safe 7 out of 10. No generosity. It deserves a damn 7.

I personally enjoyed it myself and I was entertained throughout the film.
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This is good, but had the potential to be better
ladygiggles18 March 2016
I enjoyed the hell out of this film. It had me constantly engaged and interested in the story. I like the conflict between the characters, but glad they didn't make it dramatic. My biggest problem is there are such big ideas in this movie, they needed more time to develop some of them. A few scenes here to flesh out the conflict more. I am pretty sure they didn't do it because they have to follow the currently trend right now, mindless action set pieces with very little story. I appreciate the writers and director trying to accomplish something bigger, but there were still some missing parts. I still enjoyed the movie a lot and appreciate the effort.
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Divergent... Insurgent... Washing Detergent
ahassan-123421 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The worst of the Divergent series to date, in Allegiant we finally see what lies beyond the walls which encircle Chicago. Answer: 120 minutes of utter tedium. We follow our protagonists- doe-eyed Tris and perpetually dull Four- through the wastelands and into the hands of sinisterly-titled Bureau of Genetic Welfare, led by Jeff Daniels' character David.

What follows is multiple occasions of Tris being called up to David's office for meetings- like an episode of The Apprentice- but instead of getting fired she exchanges some of the dullest exposition dialogue heard in the cinema so far this year. The set of David's office is so over-designed and green-screened to the point that it just became a distraction.

There are large swathes of the film's running time where nothing seems to happen, no surprise considering this is the first of two parts of what is one book. The decision to split the final novel into two is for reasons which can really only be described as monetary, a gamble which appears not to have paid off judging by the box office takings. Miles Teller's character attempts to inject some comic relief into the proceedings but even his jokes fall flat. An absolutely turgid affair.
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Not what I was Expecting
artieup20 March 2016
I had to go watch this movie series just to justify the mixed ratings I read.

Well, I have to say, In My Opinion, there was more going on in this movie that was unrealistic and slow than favorable / enjoyable moments.

So, personally, I won't hold fire against the comments that rated this movie below a 7. I actually would say they are right on target.

I have to say movie quality has certainly went down over the last 6 yrs. I'm beginning to believe many directors and movie industries are expecting movie goers will watch anything with engaging previews to suck us in and torture us with the rest of the movie being BAD.

I am a sci-fi fantasy type movie lover, loving the tech and all that stuff, however, there is a threshold as to what I enjoy watching when it comes to this type of movie genre and this movie just don't quite get there for me. Divergent followers or not, this movie fails for the length of time and plot it delivers to be enjoyable.

As stated before, I don't believe in rating movies terribly low, so I give this movie series a generous 6 without going into more details.

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Inexplicably bad Warning: Spoilers
The first two installments in this series were if nothing else enjoyable. The first one, in fact, was well acted and directed, with a satisfying plot and held its own. The second which did have a wayward plot and a messy script was still salvaged by the acting and the cgi-fuelled set pieces which were cool to look at. But this movie fails in every possible aspect.

Firstly, let's consider the acting, Shailene Woodley who was the most stellar aspect of the previous movies, is extremely dull and lacklustre. She seemed completely disinterested throughout the movie. The script didn't require her to do anything more than recite a handful of lines but she did engage the screen only periodically. Her character who is shown to be strong and defiant previously, turns into this mute easily-manipulated by stander who does very little in this installment. Theo James as Four, however, I felt performed decently well with what he was given, even if he still grumbles most of his lines. Jeff Daniels and Naomi Watts arguably manage to fit the bill of their generic and plain characters.

The CGI, which has been a plus point of this series so far, is squandered in this one, with the surrounding green scene being glaringly visible in several scenes. From a visual concept and set piece point of view, something that Insurgent did manage to execute well, this one once again falls short. With the acting already poor, we do not even have some eye candy visuals to enjoy.

Now, the plot. Convoluted and poorly unraveled. Nothing seems to make sense. Character motivations are inconsistent with previous installments and seem to change with the requirement of the script. Whatever exposition is provided is achingly plain and vague spurring endless questions about a variety of plot points, so much so that they threaten to put whatever sense the preceding movies made in much jeopardy.

SPOILERS AHEAD- Here are some questions and oddities with the regard to both certain nagging minutia and also larger plot points which completely spoil the overall experience of the movie. The wall climbing scene early on in the movie, which while having been the best actions sequence, was still annoying. Tris is running from the wall to the generator which is powering the fence/wall, three vehicles full of men are shooting at her but their aim as required, is pathetic. Four, who unlike Tris, isn't even running, is also untouched. Soon after, atop the wall, the group decides to begin celebrating their victory prematurely with only Tori returning fire and staying rooted in the gravity of the moment, and as inevitable she gets shot and dies. Why? Why would these characters behave SO very oblivious to the danger at hand. Having been 'rescued' by the Bureau of Genetic Welfare, they're shown the poorly rendered video clip explaining 200 hundred years worth of history. So, genetic mutation in humans was introduced and people were divided on this and then they fought and destroyed most of the world? Some select pure individuals formed the Bureau and the rest died/or were placed in the Chicago experiment to gauge if they were 'curable'? For 200 years? They ran a massive experiment to find if a pure human was possible from among the 'damaged' individuals? From what I see, the life that the damaged lived inside the wall was a much more civilized and peaceful society until Tris wreaked havoc in the first movie, while outside the wall, people seem to be living in a wasteland. So I'm supposed to understand that the 'pure' people set up a massive civilized city for the 'damaged' while themselves living in a barren landscape fighting people at the fringe??? Even the Providence was a tiny area of fairly futuristic looking infrastructure. It is later revealed that David wants funding for his project. Funding? Funding for? For reinstating the factions by wiping the minds of the people of the city? But he did just that without having received funding from the providence, didn't he?? So was it funding for renovation of his own floating castle home at the Bureau? And back in Chicago, Joana sees that Evelyn is killing people that worked for Jeanine, so she, the Wise one, decides it is time to divide whatever people are left, in half and have them fight each other to the death?? And then that gas. That gas which is supposed to be inhaled but is so heavy that it harmlessly settles down at feet level, giving ample time for the warring people to run up a flight of stairs. Evelyn gets shot by Peter in the back/leg, but clearly doesn't seem to have any injury when shown from the back. Tris shooting the ventilation system through the wall absolutely the weakest resolution to the conflict. And magically, the gas recedes quickly and all those people who had previously been fighting each other to the death, come out of the buildings all smiles and happy, some even smiling and pointing at God knows what. So absurd.

Overall a very disappointing and frustrating mess that reeks of ignorance on the part of the filmmakers who seem to have concluded that they can string up any random events in a dystopian setting amidst a bunch of teenagers aided by mediocre visual effects and some set pieces. Hopefully, with the change of director, the final movie will be better.
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Pretty good, better than expected.
Alyy3311 March 2016
I didn't have very high expectations going into this, but I must say the movie kept me interested and engaged all the way through. As a fan of the first book, I thought the first movie was pretty decent and had potential, but after Insurgent being a very big disappointment, I didn't really expect to like this much.

However, the story is pretty gripping and the action is on point. Even though Tris is annoying at times, she is nowhere near as annoying as in Insurgent. I loved the character development of Caleb and Four, the relationships between the characters, as well as the new characters introduced in this movie.

Overall, it's a pretty good installment to the franchise if you loved the first movie.
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Well.... that was horrible!
lauravankessel18 July 2016
So... Without spoiling the book OR this movie; the movie sucked, the book did not. There is way, way more sci-fi then necessary, and BAD sci-fi that is! It's really poorly done, bad CGI and stuff. And where the story from the books was at times confusing, this was downright dumb and mad no sense. The biggest book-moments were cut out, probably to make room for the bad CGI... I kind of expected it to be bad, 'cause the 2nd one wasn't that good either. It also seems the actors get less and less convincing with each movie. Contrary to the Hunger Games (that also differed from the books somewhat, but functional imho), these don't live up to the books at all. If you read them, don't watch the movies. If you've watched the movies but started liking them less and less, read the books instead! They're worth it!
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I enjoyed it!
purplepassion1239920 March 2016
Upon seeing Allegiant, I had mixed feelings about it. At first upon seeing the reviews I was a little in shocked at how much criticism it was receiving, but sometimes your opinion can be different from the critics who review the movie. So I saw the movie, and as I watched the movie I started remembering scenes from the book, since I haven't read the book in a while. There was scenes that surprise me, which I thoroughly enjoyed because I love surprises. And although, yes the movie strays away from the source material, we as people should be more open-minded about book to film adaptations. As a fan of the books it can be nerve wrecking to have a good book turned into an awful movie, but I like to think about how much time was put into making a film. An actor/actress works hard to follow the script that is given to them, the director has a vision in mind for the film, which is hard work in itself. And putting the film together takes a lot of shots to achieve in the amount of time they are given. This is why we have deleted scenes to begin with. I praise this cast for not giving up on this project and continue to do their best to pull off a movie adaptation of a best- selling series.All in all, I enjoyed this movie and recommend it to people who love stories and fans who can still appreciate a movie despite its obvious changes.
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Significant Improvement on the last Movie
jeph_b28 March 2016
I'm not a big fan of this franchise, but the first movie was reasonably solid and entertaining. The second was hugely disappointing and actually fairly boring.

As for Allegiant, I think they've somewhat rescued the franchise with this film. It answered a lot of questions and moved the story on. We find out the truth about what a Divergent actually is and the truth about what is the other side of the wall. There is some good action in the movie and it's still feels very much a twilight, hunger games style teen movie. The acting is fairly average for what you would expect.

The overriding feeling I got though is how on earth have they got 4 movies out of this franchise? We haven't come a long way in the story so far yet we've sat through 6 hours of movie time. I don't therefore have high hopes for the 4th and (hopefully) final installment. Large sections of all 3 movies could have been cut out and merged and we could have seen 2 really good 2 hours movies. Instead it will go down as another disappointing franchise spread needlessly over 4 movies. Money...
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ridiculous nonsense
baberchik29 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
OK so the first movie ("Divergent"), despite what the people who read the books say, was basically another soap opera - slash - action movie directed at what I am guessing teen audience. Just like Mockingjay, just like Maze Runner. But despite the absolute soap overload in some parts at least the plots were somewhat original though they all had that tell-tale post-apocalyptic-dystopic- 1984ish plot commonality, but all of them kinda "did okay" at least in each own way and at least managed to have SOME major and original plot differences that made them over all okay and entertaining to watch.

But this movie... oh boy. Flying "cars", even more conspiracy nonsense, small flying discs that create placenta (or was it "plasma"? lol) bubbles around people, small spheres that create a forcefield/illusion/barrier/something, more evil manipulative characters that make no sense, new evil characters, new absurdities of human behavior.... and genetic manipulation? Genetic projects? Memory wiping gas-serum-something? Or how about this: poisonous wasteland covered in radioactive puddles and 100% scorched earth and not a single vegetable left alive... but guess what, people live there, in tents and stuff. Probably doing pow-wows to entertain each other or some other nonsense.

I am at a loss. The plot of the movie Vs the actors and the way it was filmed is like... like... eating a pancake, a pretty good one, but there's just one pancake and the rest is a bucket of cream, chocolate, syrup, candy canes, cake sprinkles and whatever else dumped on it. OK another analogy: imagine if a hyperactive 6 year old had to write the plot of all Star Wars movies. Sure there would be action by the boatloads, but the plot would make absolutely no sense. A total overdose of hyped up nonsense, and this is exactly what this movie is. Literally 30 mins into the movie the plot just went supersonic and went in one eye and out the other. Absolute garbage that made no sense at all. Plus the plot now has like 100 different cliffhangers to hang on to, so they'll be milking this movie until the next coming of Christ or until the audiences are just numbed by the continuous river of nonsense that this movie is.

Oh and last thing - IMDb mods, better wake up and do your job. Some of the reviews here are so flat, so like a rant a used car salesman would make that they are obviously paid/fake and are not honest... like not at all.
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Definitely not my favorite in the series so far.
subxerogravity18 March 2016
For me it was weak.

What I liked about the The Divergent Series, was how amazing an action adventure the whole franchise is. Is it as good as Hunger Games? no need to answer that question, but it definitely was more brutal and grim, which I'll admit I liked, and what drew me in.

This movie was more story than the other two. It does a lot of explaining about the entire series. The only problem is, as it turns out the story is not that impressive. It feels like they just slap something on paper in five minutes and filmed it. Not even The appearance of Jeff Daniels in the series could save it.

The little action that it did have was good, and all done by the character Tobias Eaton which kind of sucks.

Because of how connected all three movies are I have to grade it as a Sequel and not a sand alone, and as a sequel it's a weak leak because it changes everything that made we want to see the movie in the first place
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Different enough that you aren't sure what's next
davewhalen20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Like others have said, while the first two movies followed the books really well this movie is enough of a departure to give you pause.

When I read the books, I have to admit I was disappointed with the ending. So, I hoped Roth would use the movies to change the ending to be somewhat more palatable. With these differences I'm thinking I may be rewarded. We'll see.

As far as the movie itself goes, the most disappointing difference is the depiction of the "world outside." The books describe a still viable country that isn't that far ahead technologically from the lab- cities (or even our own), except for their progress in medical and surveillance tech.

The movie describes a much more advanced civilization. One that makes you wonder "why even have laboratory cities?" The mental picture we get from the books is one of a nation trying to restore its population with the few tools they have left. The movie makes us think they could get along fine without the experiments.

I'm also disappointed with the speed that they glossed-over the relationship between David and Natalie. I'm hoping they refer to that more in the second movie.

So, like I said, I like that we're departing from the books because I hated the book ending. But now I'm wondering if I should be more careful about what I wish for...
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Another ridiculous movie
ericaharris190826 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am trying to keep from falling asleep from this boring, stupid, stupid, did I say stupid movie. Asinine, ridiculous, this movie could be renamed, "How to bore your audience to death" or "Movie for braindead corpses". I feel stupid for watching this so called 'movie'. And I am watching it for free and I still want my money back. Terrorist groups don't need any old torture devices, they can use this movie. Bad acting, check. Stupid plot line, check. Very big, gigantic plot holes that make absolutely no sense, check. You don't care if everyone in the movie does a horrible, painful death, check. Through out the movie you will roll your eyes, sigh heavenly, saying things like "Why are they doing that?" and "That makes no sense.", check. †**Spoilers, you knew the one chick was going to die when they got on top of the wall. No bullets hit Tris or Four although they were being shot at at close range and with machine guns, and they didn't get shot as they climbed up the wall. Despite the land outside the wall being completely jacked up from nuclear war, the land is completely toxic, yet people are able to survive on the fridges in tents!!!Where were they getting food and water!!! These people are supposedly exposed to all kinds of toxic fumes, toxic land but they all look normal!!!? Oh, but the Genetic Manipulation place was able to survive the nuclear fall out and create a grass growing (again ON WHAT IF THE WHOLE WORLD IIS A NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST!!!) And the motivations for the characters, stupid, stupid, stupid. David, who you KNEW and the new section were evil. Absolutely nothing shocking. You knew who was going to die, you knew who was evil. And why did Four go back to Chicago? And how did he survive walking through the nuclear wasteland with no issues!! We are living in the last days, common sense is out, insane people rule the world and make the movies. Finding an actual good these days is like trying to find the holy Grail or a needle in a haystack.
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Beyond the wall
Tweekums21 July 2019
After the events of the previous film Evelyn, Four's mother, has taken control of Chicago and has banned anybody from going beyond the city wall. Those who sided with Erudite are to be tried, and if found guilty executed; this includes Tris's brother Caleb. He is rescued by Tris and Four and along with Peter and a couple of others they flee the city only to discover a wasteland. Just as they start to think they might be doomed they are met by soldiers from the 'Bureau of Genetic Welfare' and taken to their home city. This city has technology far in advance of anything in Chicago and it is soon explained how Chicago is their experiment; everything that happens there is observed. Its inhabitants are considered genetically damaged but Tris is 'pure' so is taken to see David, the city's leader. At first David seems benevolent but it isn't long before Four has he doubts... our protagonist will have to fight again if they are to save the people of Chicago.

I must say this is probably the weakest of the three 'Divergent' films and not just because it is a final film in the series which was meant to have another and thus sets things up for a finale that never happened. Other problems include the fact that Chicago is technologically so far behind the Bureau of Genetic Welfare whose tech is too sci-fi in comparison. We also have the very sudden breakdown of the established order in Chicago and for me the most irritating... the group continue to trust the weasel Peter who betrayed them before and doesn't waste long before doing it again. That said I don't think this was actually a bad film; just less than I hoped for. I liked that there was a good explanation as to why people in Chicago could be so easily categorised and that there was enough exciting action to keep me interested. The cast was solid; most notable Shailene Woodley and Theo James as Tris and Four. The effects are decent although some are more what one would expect in a good TV show rather than a big budget film. Overall I'd say that I enjoyed this and would recommend it to anybody who enjoyed the previous instalments in the series... just a pity we never got the concluding film as too many plot lines are unresolved.
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Yet Another Clichéd and Predictable Young Adult Film
ThomasDrufke20 March 2016
The age of the young adult franchises are upon us now more than ever with yet another entry in the 'Divergent' series being released. Maybe it's just me, but I'm growing tired of weak films filled with same old clichés and unoriginal story lines based around the genre of 'young adult sci-fi'. Sure, a lot of people can say the same thing about the overabundance of superhero films, but there's a clear difference in quality. But the bottom line is that I'm just not the audience for these films.

Allegiant directly follows the events from Insurgent after the demise of Kate Winslet's Jeanine character. Naomi Watts reprises her role as Evelyn and pretty much follows the same unfortunate path that Jeanine did as leader of the dystopian Chicago. Four and Tris, played by Shailene Woodley, lead a small group of survivors into the outside world which was teased at the end of the last film. From there, every cliché you can possibly think of, follows. The characters who you think will die, die. The people who you think will be good or bad, end up being good or bad. There is nothing surprising or noteworthy about the film's plot.

The positives do however come from some of the performances. Theo James continues to be a pleasant surprise and does as much as he can with a weak script. He has a definite future in the film business. Woodley is solid as she usually is and so is Jeff Daniels and Naomi Watts. The problem is that the film around them is average at best. The pacing is painfully slow at times and nothing really happens until the final 20 minutes. Of course, it's set up for an unnecessary and unplanned 4th film purely for the reasons of making money, because there could have easily been an ending here. Overall, a weak script and horrible green screen moments end up making a disappointing third entry in the series.


+Performances from James and others

-Green screen moments


-Nothing original and full of clichés

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neil-47623 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With Jeanine defeated (and dead), Evelyn shows signs of becoming every bit the dictator her predecessor was, so Triss and friends escape Chicago and go into the blasted wastes outside where they find unexpected stuff which turns out to be not exactly what they had initially believed it to be (oh the problems of writing a spoiler-free synopsis).

With this third entry, the Divergent series finally begins to feel like its own thing, not something which is nicking bits from various other well-known franchises. Unfortunately, what it's nicking is bits from every dystopian post-apocalyptic bit of sci-fi ever, but at least we're (mostly) spared the further adventures of Katniss and harry Potter's sorting hat.

The good here is that the eye candy is well done, the action is well staged, there are less indistinguishable and interchangeable spear-carrier characters, there is (slightly) more plot than jeopardy and chase, and Jeff Daniels is terrific.

Less good is the fact that some decent names are, again, in blink and you'll miss 'em roles, the main thug (stepping into Jai Courtney's shoes) appears to get a comeuppance but we're never shown it, and there never seems to be much at stake emotionally. Oh, and there is one of those mind-numbingly stupid moments when everyone stands around talking instead of getting out of danger, with predictable results. But I quite liked it anyway.
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Too Long and Boring Franchise
claudio_carvalho9 July 2016
"The Divergent Series: Allegiant" is another part of this too long and boring franchise. The saga of Tris and Four and their friends is repetitive and predictable, using clichés and special effects. The screenplay is poor and stupid. For example, David is capable to close doors and remotely controls the city; why does he need someone to release the gas in Chicago? The worst is that the story does not end and there will be another sequel to gross more money for the producers. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "A Série Divergente: Convergente" ("The Divergent Series: convergent")
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Awesome! Better than Insurgent. Mediocre compare to Divergent
rikoz989 March 2016
The Divergent Series: Allegiant is the latest Divergent movies that comes out at March 10 in England and March 18 in USA starring Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Jeff Daniels, Miles Teller, Ansel Elgort, Maggie Q, With Octavia Spencer, and Naomi Watts. Once again, Shailene Woddley is bringing the best performance through the whole movie, We get to see more of Tobias in this one instead of just Woodley's character, Tris. The Visual Effects were amazing, The cinematography was incredible and of course, The acting was fantastic, Especially Woodley. It's a lot more action packed than Insurgent and Divergent, there's a lot of running, the wall sequences that we see in the trailer was the best action scene in the movie. Four and Tris chemistry is better in this one. Though the last 30 minutes of this movie is more like "Ok people, let's wrap it up". But you will be impressed through the whole movie by Woodley's work. She's definitely a big ++ for this movie. The only issued i have was the pacing and plot. It was kinda messy but very well put together. 7.8/10
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better then I thought
fairy_princess-852633 April 2016
Allegiant was such a good movie, it wasn't exactly like the book, but I really like the creative changes they made. first off,Allegiant is a combination of action, adventure, romance, and fantasy. I really liked that they didn't take the romance too far in this film. Secondly, I liked that the movie explains everything that you might have missed or been questioning after the first two movies. Thirdly, The acting was Phenomenal, the cast for this movie did a really good job playing with the audience's emotions. Lastly Allegiant did a really good job making the movie fit the age group of people who loved the book, when you make a movie like this it is really hard to keep it "kid friendly" when even the book is a little questionable, and I think they did a really good job making the film fit the PG13 criteria.
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As a Reader...
tytoowls12 July 2016
I read all of the books because of how curious I was to see if the movies matched up. What I really enjoy in an adaptation movie is how it brings a story to life; Allegiant takes the story which was quite interesting, and throws the story line in pieces. The suspense and anticipation that I experienced with the previous two films and stories is not the same as with Allegiant. Besides the story line taking a tangent from its original story, the revised story line is bland and predictable. I do not have high expectations for the sequel if they continue to deviate from the original story so drastically. I really hope that I will be proved wrong, but I am thoroughly disappointed.
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Allegiant is very good
jeanine_perso11 March 2016
I just saw tonight the 3rd part of Divergent. And I was bluffed by the scenario, the acting of the characters essentially. Last year, I saw the 2nd part without knowing the plot. And I just caught up this week by viewing the 1st part and re-watching "Insurgent" to have a fresh feeling. And I don't regret it. "Allegiant" is more cerebral, there's less action I think. The political and philosophical aspects of the story are better explained here. I liked to see the characters play their part independently, to see them struggle with their own issues. Even if their problems are intertwined with the others. They are a perfect team of saviors. Jeff Daniels as David is excellent. We can see that Tris and Tobias have matured a lot. They still form a great pair. The visual and FX effects were amazing. And finally, just as a joke, it was pleasant to not listen the name Jeanine pronounced so often (my name is "Jeanine").
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Realising what's left behind was the home.
Reno-Rangan14 July 2016
Here comes the most expected adventure in the 'Divergent' series. I always wondered what lies outside the wall. So this sequel takes us to the new land where a fresh development takes place. A few old characters were terminated in order to introduce a bunch of new ones. As a theme, it just looked like 'The Scorch Trial', but of course totally a different setting.

The director was retained from the previous installment and I think he did a good job. The concept was too familiar. 'Scorch Trial', 'Catching Fire', 'Aeon Flux', all these films are just like this one. Thankfully, this story was decent. At least better than the previous and weaker than the first. The pace drastically held back due to the split of a book into two films. It has been done in the old days, but the present trend began after 'Deathly Hallows'.

I was excited to know how big stretch it is going to be as a story wise. Because it looked like the things they've accomplished in one place and looking to explore beyond the boundary. I couldn't predict the story, but I knew what's going to happen in the end of every scene. The dystopian theme was clichéd, not the storyline. The way it ended is a sign for a big finale to commence in the final film of the series. Let's hope for 'Ascendant' to end on a high note.

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