Friday the 13th: The Game (Video Game 2017) Poster

(2017 Video Game)

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Friday the 13th: The game is worth stabbing at, even with its many, many flaws.
ironhorse_iv14 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome Campers! CH! CH! CH! AH! AH! AH! If you happen to hear, those eerily voices in the background at Camp Crystal Lake, it's probably best to run & try to survive in this semi-open world, third-person survival game. Why? It's because you're about to be chop up to bits, by craze serial killer, Jason Voorhees (motion capture by stuntman, Kane Hodder)! For many of the players of this asymmetrical multiplayer video game, that is the objective. For the lucky person, one player controls the Hockey Wearing Madman whose objective is to kill as many camp counselors as possible, including up to eight players in the course of one time limited game. -Not only that, but the players playing as Jason get special abilities, like being able to pick from ten different playable 'Jasons', with large array of weapons, from nearly all the movies with their own strengths and weakness. As well, as being able to sense nearby counselors and to teleport anywhere on the map the player wants, as the game goes on. There is also, many ways, Jason can kill people, including (but not limited to): hacking off their limbs before burying his machete into their skull, tossing them through windows, crushing their heads against walls, impaling them on pitchforks, and tossing them into fireplaces and holding their heads in until they're roasted like a marshmallow. However, most of those kills take a lot of time and skill. So, the majority of Jason players trying to win, just limited themselves, with the quick melee attacks; which can be, repetitive and somewhat not fun to play for both sides. Nevertheless, if the player playing as the killer doesn't take 'winning', as serious, it can be fun for both players. Still, playing as the camp counselors isn't as nearly as satisfied as playing as Jason. Sadly, there is only a 12.5% chance of you being Jason, as the game chose a player in random. The majority of your time, will be, spent as the teenagers, trying to survive. While, it's sound like camp counselors players have no chance, in surviving. In truth, Jason isn't invincible, as the murderer can be killed, from several attacks at the same time, from multiply people with weapons. Yet, it's highly difficult to pull off as Jason has to be unmasked & stun by his mother's sweater or fireworks in a short period of time. Still, even if you die, players are able to come back, into the game when certain conditions are met like the CB Radio, as a stronger character, Tommy Jarvis (Thom Mathews) from the movies. So, there is somewhat some replay after dying. Nevertheless, this is definitely a game where communication is key if you want to have live as the camp counselors. If your team is not, all in the same page or fill with quitters or suicidal trolls trying to kill you, it's highly more lopsided and frustrating to try to survive. Sadly, there isn't a single mode to stop this. Maybe, once they fix all the inconsistent frame rates, annoying crashes and glitches. Hopefully, soon, but it seems very not-likely, as the game really needed a re-patch. The collision detection is horrible, and it's not uncommon to see poorly animation characters popping through walls, hovering in the air, and dead bodies flailing about after Jason has killed them. It gets pretty old, fast. Even, the opening of the game, is ridiculous, and repetitive, with film character, Rob Dier appearing, and promptly getting killed. It's really tiresome. Anyways, no matter, what happen in the gameplay, I absolutely appreciate, the details in the background maps on display here. Without spoiling too much of it, series fans will no doubt recognize, the film references & Easter eggs in locations like Higgins Haven & Packanack Lodge. However, I kinda wish the game had more maps. Who knows, maybe a New York & Space location!? One can wish! Maybe, in the sequel. One thing, the game, should had, regardless, is, more playable movie characters such as Pamela Voorhees, Ginny Fields, and others. Yes, I know, the game was originally, its own Kickstarter, IP, call, 'Slasher: Summer Camp: Vol. 1' before 'Friday the 13th' series owner & creator, Sean Cummingham & Victor Miller gave the video game developers, Gun Media & producer, Randy Greenback, the movie rights, but the game developers should had retool it, a little better to fit in the film franchise. Trust me, it's a lot better to play, as film characters, than these, bland, lack of personality unknown characters, they made, for this game. I hope, they don't make this, as a DLC. I'm not paying extra, for something that should had been in the game, in the first place. Regardless of that, at least, they add a few details in Jason's origins that expanse the mythology. That was fun to hear, even if we're not able to be there to relive it. Nevertheless, the background music in this game was also amazing. I love how they got, composer, Harry Manfredini from the original 1980 movie to do this game. I also love, how the music helps players, know of Jason's presence. That was a nice touch in the overall picture. In the end, this game is an absolute blast to play even with all of its problems. While, it's not that cutting edge. It's one game, worth playing with friends on any given, Friday Night.
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A damn fantastic game, with its flaws.
angiris12 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Friday the 13th The Video Game is exactly what its supposed to be in every way shape and form. You are either a survivor, or the killer. Be the councilor, hunted by a maniac, or be Jason Vorhees, hunting the councilors, whilst Mother tells you to murder them all.

The game offers 1 mode. 3 different maps. Is it not enough? Some will argue that understandably. However, it works extremely well because they are portraying what the movies do. You are there... and the atmosphere, the sound, the paranoid feel once you're in it, are very real. I can't wait for the singleplayer and more Jason skins. Especially JASON X. Can't wait and I pray they add it.

Now. All this is great but it is being held back by some bad things that I'll get to now.

Nr 1: Hitboxes. Sometimes Jayson's axe likes to defy physics and go through objects it shouldn't. Case in point, if you're behind a door, Jayson's axe can sometimes swing right through it and hit anyone on the other side. This makes for some cheap kills at times. I can understand windows but when barricading a door and an axe swings through in 1 hit. Not multiple. 1. That kinda sucks and if you get wounded, without a med-spray, chances are you're pretty dead. I personally do not have an issue with Jayson's grab hit-box like other players.

Nr 2: Quitters. This is a really big issue because every player lost, makes it harder to win. There is no real penalty for leaving a match the moment you realize you're not Jason. There is no real penalty for quitting just before Jason grabs you and thus deny that player kill points. Furthermore, players that do this can sabotage set-ups that require Tommy Jarvis. Because some players quit immediately as they die, but if Tommy is called, sometimes you see a player-less Tommy just afking near the cemetery. Yet Tommy, being alive does not show up on the scorescreen because that player left. Can be extremely confusing when Jason is looking for someone when everyone on the screen is clearly dead. Above all its frustrating to join a match, and see 1-3 people leave the moment it starts because they only play as Jason. We need a fix to this. Either a temporary ban for quitting... OR...

Nr 3: Give the Jason only players a queue option to queue as Jason. Its gonna be long, no doubt, but give it them because then they will stop sabotaging the matches for other people. It is EXTREMELY hard to win versus skilled Jason players if you drop to 5 people or less from the beginning. Its a straight up GG. So much so other players just leave and that's your match. That being said...

Nr 4: (BIG ONE) Please work on a ban or punishment option for quitters, and TEAMKILLERS. Have some kind of system that tracks player quitting within the first 2 minutes of the game beginning. Issuing not a point deduction for leavers, but instead a ban from joining games for 30 minutes or longer depending on frequency.

If none of these issues can be fixed then I look forward to the singleplayer even more because I've met some really bad teams lately. Teamkillers, trolls, quitters, saboteurs that shut doors or windows in your face as you ask for help, or those that run in, then open doors for Jason, then proceed to hit you with a bat and get you killed. Its too easy to troll. Ruins the game completely.

Nr 5: Buggy locations. Beds that Jason can't kill players in, glitches under bridges ( use knife throws from the other side, guys. No invisible wall there. Only from the corners. ) Glitching near sea bed rocks. If a player manages to get glitched out near one of the small rock regions at the lake, Jason cannot perform a Drown Kill. Maybe throwing knives work but its a LONG toss.

However. Most of these exploits can be countered with throwing knives.

Nr 6: If nothing else REMOVE FRIENDLY FIRE. Please... I know its realistic, but when there are players that only wanna screw with you, it single-handedly destroys the game.

So yes. It sounds like a lot of trouble at the moment but fellas. I'll say this. I had MORE fun here than frustration. By a long shot. Its a really good game, lots of fun, but as you've managed to figure out... HEAVILY teamwork dependent. Not just to win, but to have fun and not end up annoyed by exploiters or trolls that get no punishment whatsoever that they'll care about.

Its a game I'd recommend you play with friends to guarantee a damn good time. You'll have more good matches than bad using quick-play but beware those toxic people that are either sore losers, trolling you or just being plain bad without any care for the rest of the team.

I am super excited for the singleplayer that's coming for free. I believe that will help a lot when wanting to avoid the bad players, plus it will offer some unique features, scripted events and more stuff from the movies. The bad things I hope get taken care of. I know the bugs and exploits are being fixed as I write this. As for the punishment system... I really hope the devs will do something.

As of right now the game is a 7 out of 10. damn good game. When we get the singleplayer and more skins, and hopefully with a reasonable AI, I'm upping the score to 8. Fantastic.

Can't wait to see where this game goes. And it has me hopeful for the possibility of one day seeing an IP like this set on Elm Street... or Haddonfield.... :) Just imagine that :D
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If you're a fan of the franchise and like playing with friends, this game is for you.
justin-fencsak8 October 2018
Created by independent developers and funded through kickstarter, Friday the 13th, the game is worthy of a purchase on Playstation Plus since its free as of the time of this review. There's no storyline in this game as it's a pick up and play game set in different areas of the franchise. The mission of the game is to survive being killed as either Jason or the counselors and gain experience points and level up. The more you level up, you get more characters. There's also a virtual cabin where you can find interesting trivia about the game and the franchise upon which this cult game is based on. Controls are very easy and the challenge of trying to kill the target is very fun. It also has an influential score from the films, the theme song from part 6 in the credits, and the voice of Kane Hodder as Jason. Most recently in the news, a settlement was reached in which the creators of the game will add future content to this year old game, ensuing that millions of players will hack their way to victory.
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Fantastic game.
wayne_green24116 March 2018
Great gameplay let down by bad servers but it can be very scary when you are in a cabin with Jason which is what we want in a game like this. Not for kids as the gore is an easy 10/10 and quite brutal. And if you have a full lobby of friends I am going to say that this is the most fun game you will ever play.
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Good fun with friends, although poor servers are ruining the game.
evilfuk16 June 2017
I recommend this game. It's easy to pick up and play, it incorporates all the best feel of camp crystal lake and none of the more questionable future instalments.

It's up to 8 players or you can have a private match, Jason is randomly assigned unless the host chooses, it's always random in the public match. If you're not Jason you gotta work together to escape by acquiring buildables, like a car battery, phone the police, escape on the boat or simply hide! Calling Tommy Jarvis brings a dead character back after two have been murdered in a variety of ways.

The developers are actively trying to improve the servers as currently one in two games will crash, leaving you with no XP to roll perks or unlock Jason's moves. This is the main downfall which hopefully will be rectified soon.

New content is due every couple of months which no doubt will improve the game further. The controls are fine, some of the mechanics are a bit ropey but that kinda adds to the experience! If you game regularly with 6 to 10 people then get this game, definitely a good laugh if nothing else.
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Great Concept, Too Many Glitches
Kevin_Universe22 April 2018
This game used to be more fun when it first came out, but now it seems to get more glitch every time I play it. It also doesn't help that there are mostly overpowered players currently, so escaping it very close to impossible. You just have to get lucky with a new or bad Jason player. I hope they fix the glitches that make it unplayable in the upcoming update. (That should have been April 13th, 2018 or they should have at least added something small instead we got nothing)
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Good party game, but too repetitive
alpacaattacka22 June 2017
Just like Destiny, the same levels,same objectives and the same bulls***. It was fun the first week but with all the server problems I got sick of it pretty fast. First off I want to touch on a request I saw made to disable friendly fire... don't be stupid, just cause you thought you could tag along with the group and if you get a seat first your in, that's not the way it works and you can bet I'll smack the wax outta your ears. Secondly, it's way to hard to stand up to Jason,it shouldn't be such a task to kill him. I say the game is terrible unless you like doing the same thing over and over again.
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There's a fun and enjoyable game underneath all the flaws.
Analog_Devotee4 August 2021
It's a fun game but the flaws are floating right on the surface... I'd only recommend it to the hardcore completionist-type fans of the franchise (if it's still even active).
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An Honest Review
generationofswine8 June 2021
In 1989 I rushed over to Suncoast Video when I was a kid, on my bike, to get the NES Friday the 13th.... and got burned... like I always got burned when I or rented brought movie based games back in the day when NES ruled.

Meanwhile, fast-forward to my adult years, it's 2021, and... why not? My wife insisted on getting an Xbox so... why not.

This time I can play as Jason, and, if that doesn't suit me, I can play as a counselor and remember how much I hated the game back in the late 80s... only this time with better graphics, more carnage and... most importantly... nostalgia.

Only you can only play as a counselor on line and, honestly, no one plays it online. So you sit in a loading window with two other people, waiting for enough to actually have a game, and then watch them drop out as the wait gets too long.

So then you play single player, but you can only play as Jason, and offline single player, there isn't much of a plot to it, no real achievements, you just walk around and kill people... which isn't exactly entertaining for more than a couple of rounds of play.

It relied too much on being an online hit... and it really doesn't look like it was, so as cool as it is those three or four times you run around in offline mode because it wasn't popular enough to sustain online players.... it gets old really fast.
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Fun but!!!
Marynewcomb201318 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Having played this game a year now, it's fun but has its problems. The main problem is the available playing modes!! I don't do online gaming so it's very limited in what you can play. You can only play as Jason offline. You can't build on things offline like tasks to complete, (kill a number of counselors & other things). To even get offline mode, you have to connect to the internet and download offline content. If you have all Jason's unlocked & you don't have an internet connect, you lose all Jason's but one & this is even after you have unlocked all of them!!
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Worst game of all time
awhelan-3986025 June 2020
If you're going to buy this game, prepare for the most bugged up mess you'll ever see in your entire life. The only game I've ever known that actually gets MORE bugs when new updates release. At this point you'd think they were an actual feature of the game. Almost every single aspect of the game is filled with them, whether you're playing as Jason or a counselor, and doing something even as simple as searching a draw, or locking a door. In fact you don't even need to get in a game for them to start, they even happen in the main menu as well.

Then you get to the horrible changes they've made to the game over time. In the beginning it was a pretty fun game, but now so horribly unbalanced it becomes laughable.

On top of all that, the game is effectively dead. You'll be waiting anywhere up to half an hour for a lobby since nobody is playing anymore, and the Ft13th lawsuit prevents anything new from ever being added to the game.

The only slightly redeemable factor is the offline challenges you can do, but get very repetitive really quickly.

Might have been worth buying in the beginning, but certainly not now
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Broken trash bug riddled game
jamiedarbo19 June 2019
1 year ago this game was fine but after updates they have stripped away ALL fun and introduced so many bugs its practically unplayable..... Jason is now a mutant with numerous powers and buffs! Should be in the x mansion avoid this game...
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tlw013-114 July 2020
A game the developers claim has offline play but won't even load unless you're connected to the internet. Game + console = $250 paperweight.
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2.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
ajneeago9610 May 2022
There's not much to this online survival game. While it does has its moments, the lack of story or gameplay elements makes the game quite stale after a few lobbies. My brother and I had some great moments running away terrified from Jason, or hacking people to death, but I can't say we spent more than 30 mins at a time on it before getting bored and switching it off. Wish they would of done something different with a Friday the 13th video game; missed opportunity.
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It's fun but not perfect.
dillpill-568948 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The game really has a way of capturing you in the 1990s where horror movies were a really big part of the cinemas it has some unique and thrilling gameplay. Some parts of the game can even be pretty crazy and scary. The game has super creative kills most of them coming from the movies. The graphics are pretty decent with some overall competitive, fast and fun. Gameplay if you're looking for a stealthy horror game than this isn't really the game for you, although Friday the 13th The game can be stealthy at times and Jason can pop up from behind you from time to time and jump scare you. I see this game as more competitive, fast and fun game. With that said, there are a lot of bugs in this game that kind of affect the way you play. There's a lot of skipping a lot of server lags and indeed this game is no longer in development. This game has been a lot of fun but it has a few problems from time to time. And indeed, Jason is a really strong character in the game and I feel like this game could have innovated other ways to escape and kill Jason. I would recommend you to at least try it.
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