"Star Trek: Lower Decks" Strange Energies (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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Easing into S2
ptebble13 August 2021
Kind of a light episode to start off season 2 but lots of fun. Loving the continued references to Gary Mitchell, hoping it's leading to a time travel episode featuring Kirk, Mitchell and Finnegan at Starfleet Academy.

Sort of a greatest hits format, nice use of holodeck, mild body horror, a Tendi/Rutherford B-plot, and some fun call backs. Loving the music, the attention to detail is so sweet.
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Not a bad start to season 2...
WKYanks15 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I much preferred 'Strange Energies' to 'Second Contact'. It took three or four episodes to warm up to STLD during the first season, but I just had a better vibe with this one.

While I didn't enjoy the "mother-daughter" theme here, I'm glad they are past that and we can move on. That said, they needed to address it after the season 1 closer.

While the "god-like" powers were overdone, there were snippets during the show that cracked me up. Ransom's disciples lifting weights, the bolder... it wasn't too bad. It did seem to drag on.

Mariner's holodeck stuff was pretty cool. I liked this line from Boimler: "they keep showing me lights!" ... lol

Tendi zapping Rutherford was pretty funny. I like everything these two are in, and while a little over the top for Tendi - I can see her seriously worrying about losing Rutherford as a friend.

Mariner resolving this whole Gary Mitchell thing by repeatedly kicking Ransom in the nuts was not required IMO and a little tasteless. I would expect that on The Orville, not here.

Off to the Titan next week... I can't wait. We need to get Boimler back onboard the Cerritos!

Not horrible, but not up to the level the last season ended with.
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If you hate the show...
For some of the negative comments, if you hate the show so much, why are you still watching? This is the 2nd season, not the 2nd episode. And it's not supposed to be like any of the other Star Trek series. It's an irreverent, satirical version. It's the franchise poking fun at itself. They could have deeper moments and character development along with the silliness, but at this point they've pretty much established they aren't going to. They made a choice for it not to be that kind of show. It's mostly campy, stupid, over the top humor, with a few awww moments, and that's it. It's basically Star Trek meets Looney Toons or The Three Stooges. And a guy getting kicked in the balls is a long time trope of the genre, for which the target audience is usually guys. If you don't like that sort of thing, you don't have to watch it. Admittedly, I like the show Final Space more because it did combine the silly, slap stick humor with dramatic, heart wrenching moments and complex characters, but this show is ok for what it is. It's mindless entertainment, good for when you want something light to bring a smile or a laugh, and for long time fans, a touch of nostalgia.
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Very funny, but somewhat lacking.
michael-0431312 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After "No Small Parts" I expected season 2 to follow Mariner and the captain as they team up (as an unstoppable mommy-daughter team) to address Starfleet's problems that have been brought to light. However just after the intro, it is revealed that Mariner and the captain have already been doing just that in between season 1 and 2, and they both have grown tired of each others behaviours (the captain is too strict, and Mariner doesn't follow orders). The episode ends with both of them deciding that it was nice working together, but they work better apart. So half of what was setup in season 1's finale was for nothing.

Two things that I cannot understate though, is just how many Easter eggs there are, and just how funny this episode was, despite its lack of story. This episode also sees the return of the Miranda class cruiser, for the first (barring the ridiculous Short Trek episode) time since Voyager: Endgame.

I'm looking forward to episode 2.
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Just Soo Funny to Me
diarkosophy4 September 2021
This episode hasn't received a 10 yet from anyone here so I will boldly go where no man has gone before. I just thought this was perfectly funny at ever turn. A few have called it low brow. I thought the jokes were soo clever, subtle and unexpected. I simply had to rewind most of it just to laugh at the jokes a second or third time which is a hallmark for my 10 ratings. I've actually come to really enjoy this show whether it's funny or Star Trek but this was the funniest one for me. Man they came out swinging. I'll keep it short. Somethings or meant for you and some aren't. This episode was meant for me. Take that Deep Space Nine! :)
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asp519712 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe my standards are a bit high because the second half of the first season was just magnificent. It was an okay story and the Gary Mitchell callbacks were great; it honestly isn't the same without Boimler full time though. Mariner and the Captain working together just didn't work (at least the way they were here). I know what this show is capable of so I'm gonna keep watching of course, but this one was just mediocre at best. The parts that made this show great weren't there, otherwise this could have been great.
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Awesome start to Season 2
the_brain88815 August 2021
The first 3 minutes was pretty awesome. The humour is more low brow and the tone will likely anger the diehard trekkers but is a breath of fresh air from the seriousness that is Discovery.
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Gotta chime in as a 20 y/o Star Trek Geek
jadentkuczek13 August 2021
I don't like the word "Stan" sorry.

I also don't like this new direction Star Trek is going in, but it's a mile high jump above Discovery (trash not worth existing). I hate how important they make the character conflict, but I feel it probably goes over well for general audiences and is probably a good entry point to the franchise. I don't know if I would have watched TOS soo much growing up if I hadn't heard of it from Futurama, so I see the purpose of this show. I think it's fine, I wish we could jst get another dry hard sci-fi show, but I can deal with a lukewarm comedy show, especially after watching Discovery and the first episode of Picard 🤢 🤢 🤢

I will always love you, Captain Picard

So I grew up on TOS, Futurama and Sliders. That was my sci-fi in my formative years. I got into TNG in high school, and I've only seen half of DS9 (because I don't care as much abt it). I subscribed to CBS all Access to watch STD n the Twilight Zone. I'm primarily a film person, I watch a lot of "auteur" filmmakers and have a pretty good understanding of storytelling. This is honestly still better than the orville, in my eyes, as it at least tries to do something different than jst recycling ideas and doing a style parody.
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digitalchet13 August 2021
Just when you think it can't get worse.

I think I half smirked at a single joke in this entire episode ("they keep showing me lights...!"). The rest was the same old tired stuff we've come to expect from these writers.

How was ST allowed to get this bad?
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Awful show
generalhooha12 August 2021
This kind of humor feels so out of place for a star trek series.
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"Remember Gary Mitchell?" - Yes, and it was better than this tripe
bbshockwave29 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show seems to be only able to throw lightning fast references at people, and thinks it equals good writing and humor. Yes, I remember David Warner torturing Picard and the "There are four lights!" line, yes I remember Gary Mitchell... you proved you can use Memory Alpha (the Star Trek wiki) resourcefully, writers, that does not mean you are fit to write a good show.

For starters, we begin with Mariner being awesome as ever, escaping from a Cardassian prison - this is all a holo-play she is doing as exercise, because she is so badass, prison escapes relax her. And while she got what she wanted all last season, acceptance by her mother, now she finds her TOO doting and wants her to dial it back. I swear she is the most insufferable character in Star Trek... and I endured 4 seasons of Archer.

Commander Ransom gets randomly zapped with "strange energy" (ha-ha, great joke, but that's not how Starfleet talks) and immediately gets a god complex declaring everyone else puny mortals, yet just using his powers to flex his muscles. Again, Gary Mitchell, whom they keep mentioning... he did not turn into some godlike being feeling himself over mere human morals in a heartbeat. It took half an episode and we saw how ultimate power ultimately corrupted him. But Ransom gets no such character development, no, we are here for spoiled brat Mariner who is more worried about resolving the boring mission than a potential god being born, and then defeats Ransom by... repeatedly kicking him in the balls. Yes, you heard it right. This is the show's level of humor.

In the secondary plot, we have T'endi again break all barriers of personal space, and obsess over Rutherford dating another crewman. This woman supposedly graduated Starfleet Academy - yet she cannot handle that she is in love with her teammate, and also breaks any and all medical rules when she subjects him to ridiculously stupid experimental treatments without even consulting with a real doctor. She is needy and possessive and is willing to tamper with the brain of another Starfleet member for selfish reasons. HOW did she not get expelled long ago?

The show continues its Teen Titans Go levels of "comedy" while not having the characters evolve at all - Mariner is back where she started in season 1, again, because these writers fear change.
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New Low for Lower Decks !
martinsmarkss17 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Mariner kicks man 8x times in a balls, than drops boulder on his head ! And that for all trouble she is personally responsible ! It's Star Trek woman and man should be threatened as equals !

But Mariner will not bare any consequences for anything cause she is Marry Sue - Best'es ever !

No morale lesson, no real consequences and humor not even funny !

I want to see more of Riker and his starship Titan !
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Terrible show!
daveiulee1 September 2021
Why is this fake humor part of Star Trek? Cancel show or hire better writers!
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A Senior Trekker writes
celineduchain23 November 2021
This is a sincere message to anyone involved with the production of Star Trek Lower Decks. I hope you are paying attention.

Sexual violence is never acceptable, even when depicted under the guise of humour and targetted at an audience who (judging by most of the other reviews) believe that this show can do no wrong.

In the first episode of this season, Strange Energies, the character named Mariner repeatedly kicks a male character in the reproductive organs with what appears to be obvious relish. Perhaps if the producers were asked to imagine this scene with race and/or gender reversed they would understand just how offensive it is.

Earlier iterations of Star Trek made some serious mistakes. The unbridled misogyny of Turnabout Intruder in the Original Series or outright racism of Next Generation's Code of Honour spring to mind and I have no wish to excuse them in any way. However, it is pretty clear that the makers of those particular episodes, however misguided, did not set out to offend.

Star Trek Lower Decks is supposed to be an adult show; please behave like adults and take some responsibility for the content.
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