Kill Me Dingus!
5 October 2002
My husband thought it would be fun to watch a bad Halloween-type movie with some unsuspecting friends. After all, we got the DVD on our honeymoon. To Walt Disney World, no less.

But fun? Oh, dear.

Four of us were begging to be put out of our misery.

As the movie began, the first lines were in English, on the Italian language track. Thinking, "Okay, it's on the English track" we were fine. Then everyone started speaking in Italian.

Why were the first lines in English???

Unfortunately, it went downhill.

Yes, there was nudity, as the title would suggest. Yes, there was "sex", as you would imagine would happen when there is nudity. However, they seemed to be afraid of using their tongues, which really takes away from the believability of the "sex".

The movie itself was slightly less painful than gouging your eyes out with a rusty spoon, but only because of the Butler, who resembled George Washington. Occasionally he would appear in the movie and laugh at you for watching, when he wasn't whipping the required lesbian maid. As the movie pressed on, we stopped cheering for the "hero" (not that we had started), and started cheering whenever Washington made his appearance. When he wasn't on screen, we asked "Where's Washington?"

If you like Italian cinema (we don't), I hear you'll like this. If you like MST3K (we do), you'll be able to tolerate it. If you don't like either, but like torturing yourself, by all means, pick up this movie!
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