The Grudge 2 (2006)
not the same as the first
19 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of both horror and the actress Sarah Michelle Gellar. When i saw the first, "The Grudge" i was fairly impressed, it was generally scary and had the shock value of most horror films. I think the woman who plays the wife that has the grudge is amazing, that she uses no special effects to accomplish how her body contorts, that is all natural. On another note, the sequel did not impress me. It did have some quality scares but i felt that the sequel did not need to be made. The movie just ends, and the audience is left with knowing the entire purpose of the movie is to demonstrate that the grudge is continuing. As a result of Gellar's character Karen attempting to burn down the house, she has now released this "grudge" onto the entire world and anyone can now be affected, you do not even need to enter the house any longer. i personally feel the actors in the first were on a completely different level, as was the quality of the story line, the sequel just did NOT live up to the original, the best part for me was seeing Gellar for the literal 3 minutes she was on the screen. If you're tight for cash, don't waste the money on this one, catch it on Video, but if you're bored and want some mindless horror/thrills, then this movie will satisfy your tastes
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