Waste of time
21 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well this movie is simply - a waste of time. I only watched it because the reviewer before me said there was comedy in here, but I failed to spot anything, and I mean anything funny - at all. I don't know about you, but I don't really find cheating funny, or a medical stroke, or a car crash, or GBH, and apart from a bad tooth job joke which was on a level of a 3 year old knock knock joke, there was nothing to be called this movie "comedy" about.

As for the "drama" - despite all the above mentioned, I wouldn't even classify this as a drama, its hard to explain unless you see the movie, but all the above bad stuff has been dealt with in the movie so terribly, that you don't even get to feel for the guy, or the girl, or pretty much anyone. And if there is no feelings developed for any of the characters, there is no drama when something happen to them. In fact, the remote sadness I felt was for the 2 second car crash, which was so understated, that you really had no chance to develop even a tear.

The story was so badly written, that if you asked me what was the movie about - it was about a (badly written) journal really. The story was, boring and shallow, with ludicrous action points, and final that makes you say "What the...?"

So, a "Feel good movie"? I'm actually feeling very angry now at wasting 1.5 hrs of my life on this. And to top it all it did not help that narrator was Ben's monotonous "I don't care about anything including this movie" voice.

So all I can say is, I'm off to watch some Lee Evans. Now THAT's a "comedy", full of action, passion and feelings: all that this movie - IS NOT!

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