Max Havoc: Curse of the boring film
12 January 2008
This movie is sooooo bad and not in a "so bad its good" way. Its so bad in an annoying way. The lighting was downright amateur and the acting was just as bad. I ended up seeing his steaming pile of horse manure movie when my brother bought it on a bargain for $2.99 brand new. hmmm...I wonder why it was so cheap. He is a fan of really bad David Caradine films. He figured this would be one of those films where you can laugh at the badness like "Dune Warriors". Turns out this film is some sort of film propaganda to go vacation in Guam. Its hilarious that they put in stock footage of Guam in the movie, I laughed my ass off. Whatever you do, don't rent or buy this movie it is a pile of dog dooky.
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