Impact (2009)
Not as inaccurate as some reviewers would make you believe
2 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After reading some other spoilers here, I was skeptical and I caught a couple of blown lines, like at the end when Alex tells Sergei, "We're not leaving anyone behind..." that was the greatest line screwup of the whole film since the mission commander just took an accelerated gravity fall over a cliff never to be seen again so sorry Alex, but yes you are leaving someone behind...nice marine line though...Semper Fi!!! Hoo-Ah!

Still the screen writer said in the extras, he actually went to some actual astro-physicists to check the plausibility.

Now here we have all these great scientific minds in reviewing her and I ask, have you ever fired a high powered rifle into the sand on a beach or your back yard or through an oak tree or an handgun unto a clay block to examine expansion damage?

Same principle as your brown matter and the only brown matter any of you pseudo-scientists have come in close contact with in this life is while wiping your butt each daily dump.

I can assure you, that a lead or a depleted uranium round will in fact stop at some point in the sand and not blow a hole to the earth's core, so take that smart guys!

It's called suspension of disbelief and the term was coined a couple, few hundred years back and still hold true for movie enjoyment.

And since we're all just having fun, Did you notice the rack on Natasha Henstridge. My god is she fine. I would have googled some bikini pictures of her a long time ago had I noticed that rocking body, but I don't watch television regularly...just movies and this isn't so bad and is actually kind of fun in spots.

To all the "experts" here, you can tell us all how dense brown matter actually is after you wash it off your hands next time okay? A lot of space science is speculative and it changes constantly unlike some other areas of science. Theories come and go on a daily basis.

Let's not pretend they are carved in stone.
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