what were they thinking?
11 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As I said to the person I watched this film with at 3 am on the Horror Channel, 'I hope the one guy getting his jollies to this film is enjoying it, because there has clearly been some money thrown at this film!'

I am amazed that enough people who were competent to make a medium budget movie thought that this film was a good idea.

I can't believe that actual legal tender was thrown at something that, surely, only about 100 people worldwide would find erotic.

Of all of the films of the 1940's, I don't think that there could have been a worse choice for porno adaptation, this era of filmmaking is ripe for pornographic-plundering;

Assablanca? That could work.

A Beef Encounter, the plot just writes itself!

A version of The Stranger where Orson Welles sits on his hand for half an hour prior to visiting Rosie Palm and her five lovely daughters? A bit niche, but surely it has broader appeal than this?

Honestly, if I had $300,000 riding on people being turned on by my adaptation of a movie, you can be damn sure that I wouldn't gamble on people being turned on by cheap looking manimals, and (SPOILER ALERT) a lady with the worst fake breasts I have ever seen!

I give it 3 points for being so incredibly stupid that it becomes good!
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