Hardly Watchable
25 January 2013
The Amazing World of Gumball is..... not very good. The show had some decent potential, but it turned out to be another dull show with modern kids show clichés.

The animation is the only thing really going for this show. Its very unique, and can be described as a animated scrapbook. Gumball, Darwin, and that household, along with a few others, are more of a cartoon look, while there's a realistic looking dinosaur and a cgi monkey for a teacher.It animates well, and is quite random. visually, its on par with that adventure time/regular show vibe. That was why i was intrigued to watch an episode in the first place.

The rest, however, is pretty awful. The main characters, wait, all the characters, are one dimensional and very annoying. There is no character development. I mean, not all shows are supposed to be developed, and some are more along the line of random humor. Well, that's not very good either. Most of the jokes either involve toilet humor, cheap slapstick, or randomly shouting things. Mostly the latter. In fact, that's all this show is. Spongebob had a lot of that, but it was at least clever from time to time. This show just insults the viewers intelligence. The plots are simple, but there's never anything unexpected. When the randomness comes around, it never really impacts me at all.

Overall, i am not impressed with this show. I have no idea why most cartoon creators insist that randomly shouting things is funny. If you want good random humor, stick with adventure time or regular show. This show will hopefully be forgotten. Overall, I don't recommend this to anyone.
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