In 2013 I'm reviewing this movie from 1984
18 March 2013
I'm on a watching old movie kick. Although I'm not so sure that the 80's is all that old since I can still recall seeing this back then! Watching it now sure gives another perspective! First off were all females as whiney and annoying as Nancy Allen's character? Allison.. "Don't listen to him David, just don't listen. Tell me what's going on, just tell me. I can't just say things once, not only once? I repeat things in case you didn't hear it, just in case." And OMG did everyone smoke cigarettes? What were we thinking> I rather enjoyed the special effects of the time - not overdone - but made the point. The story was what the story was - and it is and has been a classic. Lot's of the actual written story was removed in place of lovey dovey and whiney stuff - but that's alright. I personally would have loved to see more 1980's stuff - here in 2013 - from the perspective of someone from years before. I'm seeing it from the past and he's seeing it from the future. I'm looking forward to a movie where women are more "modern" - not quite sure where or when that's going to be.
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