Weird as F*** and no, I do not think there was any deeper meaning to it
31 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes viewers like to read all kinds of meanings and metaphors into what is essentially just a hodge-podge mess of ideas that a director stitched together with the flimsiest of story-lines. Yakuza Apocalypse is one of such films. Having watched 13 Assassins, I came into this movie with high expectations. And it started off...rather well.

A yakuza boss who also happens to be a vampire is killed but he manages to transfer(?) his powers to his underling who then is out for revenge. Unfortunately it is not as simple and straightforward as it seems. Throw in a couple of twists and soon this movie becomes weirder than a lizard wearing a sombrero and dancing the flamengo with a stuffed teddy wearing an eye-patch and smoking a Cuban.

A severed head that bites, a woman whose brains literally leak out from her ears, a bi-polar, psychotic, axe-wielding kid, a man in a frog mask wearing a frog party costume, vampires who don't seem to be affected by sunlight, a priest with a mini-coffin on his back...

There were some genuinely ridiculous and funny moments but in the end, this movie is just a mess. And the ending doesn't tie up anything, nor does it answer any questions you might have.

In the end, some will like it, and try to justify their fascination with unintended metaphors and meanings which I am sure the director never really intended in the first place.

Others, like me, will wonder why they didn't stop at 13 Assassins, and try to find mental soap to wash away the cluttered images that are going to stick around in our minds for a while.

My goodness this movie is weird.
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