Dexter: The Damage A Man Can Do (2008)
Season 3, Episode 8
Dexter Morgan: We know he bludgeons people to death, so, look for something... bludgeony.
12 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Damage a Man Can Do is about Dexter and Miguel gaining more trust, as Dexter shows Miguel the ropes in aiding his first kill. In turn Miguel gets to see behind the mask of Dexter Morgan.

An episode of highs and lows, all of the Dexter/Miguel stuff's gold, while the rest seems to be a bit of a soap opera. I am a big fan of Jimmy Smits, I find Miguel Prado to be one of the greatest characters and not just on Dexter. Miguel's exuberance shopping for supplies and on the pursuit, like a boy at his first video arcade. Just puts a big smile on my face. Not a big fan of the extra characters getting scene time here though. (Anton, Barbara, Ellen)
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