Burial (II) (2022)
20 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hate tuning into movies that are advertised as being horror films, and turn out to be anything but. "Burial" is one of those movies.

The premise is that Russian soldiers near the end of WWII find Adolf Hitler's remains, and are tasked with transporting the corpse to Moscow so that Josef Stalin can see the body with his own eyes. According to the promos for this farce, the Russian soldiers are targeted by Naxi werewolves who are intent on recovering Hitler's corpse.

Instead of horror movie lycanthropes, however, the "werewolves" are Nazi soldiers and sympathizers. One of them even runs around in a fur suit with an attached wolf head. There are no supernatural creatures in this movie at all. It's a war film, not a horror movie, and it's not even a very good one. So, don't be mislead and tune in expecting horror movie.
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