Review of Clock

Clock (2023)
Well done, but glad I don't have to watch it again.
30 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was actually very well made.

I also didn't see any reviews talking about the Jewish aspect.

Last weekend was a scary and entertaining movie also about Jews and pregnancy. The Offering. Also on Hulu.

I have to remind myself that a lot of Americans aren;t that familiar with Hebrew customs but growing up it was all around me as my Grandmother's best friend and my Mother's neighbors were all Jewish. I grew up eating roast beef with bermuda onion and chicken fat sandwiches on rye bread with seeds.

So for me it seems very natural.

But for the casual red state movie watcher this movie may have been too much for them to either handle or appreciate.

Yes, women are made to feel less that human and of any worth if they opt to not have kids.

So the dehumanization aspect works well in this storyline.

I really only am posting this review to point out the meaning of the ending.

The main character has already DIED when she is idly lying on the rock looking at the fish crawling onto the land. That represents acceptance by her deepest ancestors going back. Something that he Dad said he didn't get when he had bad dreams with all the ancestors visting him.

A good movie, deeper than people are giving it credit for.
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