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Stays true to the video game, but that's about it.
Sakamaboto7 June 2010
As a fan of the Mega Man game series I was intrigued by the fact that a fan movie was going to be made. The film creators based the movie off the very first NES game. The enemies are Elec Man, Guts Man, Bomb Man, Ice Man, Fire Man, Cut Man, and of course Dr. Wiley. They also kept the fact that once defeated, Mega Man could use the powers of the defeated robot to help him fight the other remaining robots. The Mega Man and Proto Man costume was actually quite good for a low budget film. I personally liked how they integrated his Mega Blaster Arm Cannon into the costume. The casting was especially good for Roll (Mega Man's sister) Her transition from Video Game to movie was outstanding. She is exactly how I would picture her in real life.

Sadly, when it was all said and done, the movie was just not that good. Let me start by saying the acting is horrible. I've seen some pretty bad acting in my time, but this has to be one of the worst I've encountered. The fight scenes were fast and pretty much one sided. It seemed like that spent too much time on story telling and less on the actual action. The thing with fan made movies is their target audience is going to be the fans, and not the casual everyday person. As fans of the game we all know the story of Mega Man. So it confuses me as to why they would spend 1/2 the movie telling the story when we all know it? If you're a fan of the the Mega Man franchise or have played the game it is worth a watch. If you know nothing about it I recommend skipping this and watching something else.
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Mega Man (2010)
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain13 December 2011
A low budget fan made movie. There's certainly a lot of care and attention put into this movie. In terms of plot it actually works as a movie. Quite a rarity for a video game adaptation. Despite the pacing being right, the dialog and delivery is horrendous. These are amateur actors doing it for fun, but sometimes it's a little too much. Many scenes reminded me of the obnoxious and obvious cartoons of the early 90s. The effects were very basic, but served the plot well. Films like this are always good to see, as it is the storytelling that comes first. Sure, the film is predictable, with poor lighting, bad acting, and dull camera work, but it was nice to see a movie that wasn't after my money.
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Low-budget and you knew it, don't expect anything superb.
jesse_nissinen23 November 2010
I really dislike these reviews where they bash a well-known LOW budget movie with "too little action" or "sooooo bad acting"... get real.

Don't discourage these movie attempts made from fans, without these we wouldn't have ANYTHING because no big movie company will ever do a Megaman movie for real.

Yes the movie sucks if you compare it to movies like Inception, Terminator or Transformers etc.

However, comparing it to something like a school movie project or just a fan-based movie with no real budget. Then it's a pretty fun movie to watch. If I would have personally made this movie I think I would have taken six actors to act all the robots, instead of actually going in and CGI three of the robots 100 %. With a low-budget those computer generated images show up too clearly.

I liked most the Elecman, cool hairstyle and a mean actor, the lightning effects were also done pretty nicely. Also Wily, seems he was the only one to take his role seriously, he was NOT a bad actor. For being in a movie like this his small acting shines.

Another thing I liked was that they used Wily Stage 1 song from Megaman 2 at the ending, that part made me smile. Too bad they didn't use any other 'megaman' songs as all of those old midi songs rock.

Also to answer one of the Reviews "why did they add 1/2 for story telling", and the easy answer would be the budget cuts; Having a bearded man laugh hysterically and threaten everyone in-front of the camera for 30min probably cost them 10 bucks to make. Instead of making CGI explosions for 30 minutes which they didn't have cash for.

Also without the story telling and only the five min action scenes, this would have only been just a "short" and not a full length movie. Also explains why all fighting scenes are only ten seconds or something.

Conclusion: If you want to see some block buster movie then don't waste your time. If you go in and expect a low-budget bad movie then watch it by all means.

It was fun seeing the very first Megaman 1 to be made into a movie as it seems to have a story anyhow, unlike all the millions of sequels.
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Not a bad movie, independent wise that is... but falls flat.
ZeroRyuusei8 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As a Megaman fan, I watched this movie, but wasn't really impressed. It is a independent movie, though. You must forgive Mr. Lebron about it.

However, the movie falls flat on it's face in some parts of the film. A lot of the dialouge in the movie is rather cheesy and vapid. Dr. Light's character seemed rather unrealistic and came out as boring at times. Dr. Wily, however seemed to steal the show. The actor who played as him really put some spice in his character that he played as. There are a lot of talky scenes that make you want to fast forward to the good parts of the film.

There is a lot of talking in this. A lot of talking. Most of it drags on forever it seems.

Megaman seemed to either act like Ralph Wiggum or X from X7 at times, but that can be excused.

The fight scenes are not overly impressive, lasting only a few seconds to a minute tops.

The Robotmasters are okay looking. Possibly the best looking one was Gutsman. The rest were okay, aside from Iceman and Elecman who reminded me of Sub Zero and Scorpion in their outfits.

If you want a Mega Man fix, watch the Ruby Spears Cartoon that came out in the mid 90's. It maybe cheesy and corny, but it's way better than this waste of time.

The movie nets 2 out of 10 stars and a C-.
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Totally amateurish movie
galaxyhunter138 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was just plain awful. The camera shots were not good. The actors can not act. EVERYTHING looks fake. My opinion is that some production company needs to pick up the Mega-Man title and redo this entire movie. WITH higher quality everything!!

The armor of mega-man looks like some kids went down to the local bike shop and purchased pads to make them look like they had armor on to appear like they were highly advanced worriers.

There were some shots with the camera where they zoomed into far then zoomed out and it is totally obvious they had messed up.

If you like amateur type movies i recommend watching this. If not, the movie will be a waist of your time.

Over all i give this movie 2 thumbs down.
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I'm wondering how they got the okay from Capcom for this....
tedebear347 March 2011
When I saw this, I remembered thinking "Hmmm, I don't remember a Mega Man movie being released in 2010". And it became obvious pretty quickly why I hadn't heard of this. From the cinematography (calling it that is an insult to cinematographers everywhere) to the "Acting" to the vapid script and the very unspecial effects, this thing is a fiasco from the get go. There are two redeeming things about this movie: 1) it's free to view from the website (although I did have to pay for bandwidth. I want my 50 cents back) and 2) you'll never be hearing from any of these people ever again. Sometimes a movie is so bad that it's funny, but this is just so bad that it's BAD. I realize it's a low budget indie film, but so was Clerks. And where Clerks exhibited the unrefined talent of Kevin Smith, this mostly exhibits that some people shouldn't be allowed to buy video equipment. Maybe in time someone with make a Mega Man movie and when they do, it will qualify as the first one, because this thing hardly qualifies as a movie.
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Remember, it was a non-profit exercise and it turned out quite well.
bujinbudoka17 January 2011
First off, I'm a fan of the game series from Capcom, Mega Man, the story of a blue robot who began his life as a lab assistant to the goodly Dr. Light. When Dr. Light's old acquaintance and partner stole the original six robot masters in the first game, Rock, as he was known, chose to become "The Blue Bomber," Mega Man.

This movie follows the plot pretty much to the letter and doesn't deviate from the source material. I was impressed with the fact the director could pull off CGI as he did that was as good as anything you see on a made-for-television movie and even added in a great soundtrack (albeit taken from other films) to blend into the story.

My rating however, comes with the following complaints.

Non-profit or not, the acting could have been a bit better. That said, that could be easily fixed with a little more editing. If those two things could be rectified then this movie would be an excellent addition to any movie collection, though in my opinion it is regardless.

The fight scenes were a bit bland, but they weren't the worst I've ever seen. Also, the character of Dr. Wily steals the movie completely. It was awesome as an experience to see Mega Man come to life on the computer screen, acted by a real person and not talking like a child.

I give it a 7 out of 10, and it's well deserved.
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Can't remember the video game, but for a low budget film I was pretty entertained!
thefreestylefreak25 June 2010
Maybe I'm a little too old to remember the video game, but as someone who came into viewing this film pretty cold I found it to be pretty entertaining from start to finish.

I should point out this movie has the look and feel of a low budget indie flick, but in my opinion, the storyline, acting, and characters surely make up for it. After getting past the first 10 minutes, I found my interest growing. The characters are genuinely interesting, and the story progresses along nicely. Nice performances by "Rock" and "Roll" (cute names), and "Dr. Light" along with the other supporting cast. My favorite of course was "Dr. Wily". He puts so much emotion and effort behind the role he genuinely comes across as being despicable! The fight scenes are a little short and the computer animation shows, but we're not talking about a film here that had the budget of "Transformers 1 & 2", so it's understood and forgiven (in fact I found both the Transformer movies to be quite boring and unimpressive).

There are some laughs and chuckles throughout the 90 minutes. Some intentional, some maybe not. But I can genuinely say, for someone who is as picky and critical of low budget sci-fi films, I actually enjoyed this one through. Give it a watch, you may just find yourself enjoying it as well!
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Is MegaMan movie the best video game movie adaptation?
fontroy57 February 2011
It's not going to win Oscars or any awards but for fans of this game I say most of us --- that is people who don't hold Indie made movies up to a higher scale say like Blockbusters --- can agree this really achieved and showed love for the material, I've seen many bad movie adaptations of games for instance one I loath Resident Evil movie franchise and then to see a writer successfully do each game and add canon it's freaking depressing.

This movie isn't a masterpiece but for budget used and the love put in it by the Director and how the actors felt like they loved the material, it glows.

I'm not saying it's amazing, but compared to most video game movies I have to say this really makes a fanboy smile.

Some highlights were the actor who portrayed Dr Wily and how each robot master had a distinct personality, which showed ingenuity of a high calibur. The effects were what lower the score as well as some of the acting but I felt it was genuine, which was enough for me.

Is it purely for fans, I'd say no, because a amateur film maker could see this to see some tricks, for the camera work was great and editing not jerky or rushed which was awesome.

Good Job
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Outstanding for what it is
sstill28 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Full disclosure: I happily contributed a few bucks to both Eddie Lebron and Daniel James for their work on this film. I'm also rock out to The Megas regularly, and I'm a huge Mega Man fan from my early days of video gaming. Yes I'm probably biased in this review. Also, review may contain some spoilers.

That said, Eddie Lebron's Mega Man movie may not stand out to a large number of people, but it stands out because of what it is: an independently made movie, done over the course of a few years, honoring one of the most well known video game franchises of all time.

It's a movie based on a video game. With very rare exception, they turn out horrible because they don't stick with the source material or they make it as cheesy as can be. See the Super Mario Bros. movie, Street Fighter in both it's live action incarnations, Double Dragon, to an extent Doom, etc. as examples of video game movies done wrong. This movie sticks very true to the original game, one of the classics of the NES, allowing for some ret-conning done in a sequel to include Blues/Protoman and throwing in plenty of nods to the original. It gets the story right, and when it comes to video game movies, that's half the battle right there.

It's an independent movie, without much budget. That's why some of the costumes may look like someone went to a 'bike shop' and some of the CGI may be lackluster. Still, considering that it is an independent movie without any backing from from a studio or from Capcom, it gets more right than it gets wrong. With a bigger budget it could have included more robot characters from the game rather than just 'reports' of them on a TV screen, or grander battles with the robot masters and the Yellow Devil, but even boiled down the movie gets what it needs to get.

Acting: Well, some of it was definitely hammy. Personally I found Dr. Light to be rather stiff, but not intolerable. Dr. Wily I found hilarious and fully engaged in his role. Rock & Roll both hit their characters pretty well, and while not much can be said about the Robot Masters, they're on screen for how long anyway?

Sound: Ups and downs... There are places where the sound effects are lackluster or even missing. The real gem here is the score by Daniel James, created from scratch with the exception of nods to Wily's Castle and Protoman's whistle, two very recognizable NES themes even years after the game's release. James does an excellent job of conveying the mood of the film, creating themes for the characters, and providing great symphonic energy at all the right moments. The ending credits with songs from video game cover band The Megas also fits well.

Overall, if you want high quality production but don't care about story, go back and see some of the awful video game movies of the past. You're welcome to waste your time on that kind of eye candy that will do nothing for you. If you want to see a video game movie done right, and you're willing to forgive some flaws in production value because of it's independent nature, there aren't many movies that will top Mega Man.
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Surprisingly good for a fan-film
daggerman-222712 July 2022
This obviously wasn't gonna be perfect in every way, but this is an actually good megaman adaptation. Blue Core studios actually did GREAT with the acting, GREAT with the story, they summed up everything the original game had in it. The CGI was as good as it was gonna get for 2010. All in all, this movie was part of my childhood. 9/10 for the high effort put into this low budget movie.
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