The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill (2013) Poster

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Really dumb paranormal investigation.
frankblack-7996112 April 2021
Had potential, but the characters are written too poorly to be taken seriously. Complete amateur hour stuff that just kills the vibe the film is trying to set. I would skip this unless you are easily entertained.
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WoW! So bad!
Patient44410 November 2013
"The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill": even the name is a ripoff of other such movies, trying to get out there, by linking to better found footage films. This one is really, really bad, boring from beginning to end, nothing interesting, nothing original, nothing scary whatsoever, it's pretty much more of a documentary gone wrong made by The Asylum.

As imagined, it rips off everything that you've seen before, mainly TBWP: Book of Shadows and The last exorcism: starts with some interviews, a group of people going to investigate a place made famous by some rumors, the discovers made there are similar to both previously mentioned movies and then finally, comes a pitiful ending that at least gives you the opportunity to close the player and go get yourself a nice deserving drink! You'll need it! I will never recommend such a movie manly because it's just so boring! Nothing new at all, nothing remotely scary, just some people expressing their opinion, throughout 82 extremely dull minutes! Stay away from this one. It doesn't even have a real story, it's just a presentation of something, basically, it's a film without a real plot.

The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill aka Extreme Boredom: The movie.
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Not a masterpiece, but not a failure either!
foreversmom11 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie plays out like a reality TV show/documentary. There isn't a lot of action to be had with this film. But if you like Ghost Hunters or Ghost Adventures, then you will probably like this as well. There is nothing new in this film, but it works well for what it is. It is somewhat slow as with most of these types of films... Interviews with "witnesses" first, followed by a night or so of "data collection/baseline events", followed by the "real" investigation. I was able to watch it without fast-forwarding through as I do with most movies like this. Acting wasn't horrible and the characters were believable as "everyday" people investigating these types of events.
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Ignore These early reviews and make up your own mind.
daitch72-842-57734912 November 2013
To those who have quoted 'poor story' 'copying old ideas' fail to realise that these events are based on real life and a more than real location. This is a documentary fashioned for a wider audience. I grew up in the local area and have been to the Clophill site many times, by day and by night. Now I am not easily scared but there is a indescribable atmosphere surrounding the location. The folklore surrounding the site is legendary locally and rightfully so. I dare anyone who reviews this film based on previous watchings of the likes of 'Paranormal Activity't and the fake found footage style films to go visit the site themselves at the witching hour and then see if they still stand by the reviews they wrote. Take this documentary for what it is and the subject matter and do not base your critique solely on the execution of getting the 'true' story across. Then, as an individual, excercise your freedom to make up your own mind.
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Read the real History on the Internet instead
us_22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I love ghost hunting shows on TV and spooky, paranormal real-life stories. But, I couldn't bring myself to finish watching this movie. Maybe if it was presented as a real documentary, instead of a horror/mockumentary, it wouldn't have been so boring.

Sorry, but I really thought Paranormal Diaries: Clophill was a parody of ghost hunters. The large group of people with the Ouija board were kind of irritating. When the main guy told the others to speak when they felt something, and maybe someone else would feel it too - it's called power of suggestion and group hysteria. With the ghost box, one person would say they heard something, then everyone else nods in agreement, when you really can't understand anything coming out of it.

There was a preview of the Black Water Vampire movie on the disc, and I kept hoping that it would come out of the forest and eat the investigators.
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Not worth wasting any time on.
martinh-949-80545315 March 2014
This is a terribly lame and boring piece, and you would do well to move on in search of something else. I was hoping for either an interesting investigation, or some nice chills from this 'documentary' but sadly I found neither.

The movie mostly consists of middle-aged English guys, who probably think of themselves as "not easily scared", being incredibly easily scared and filming their own hysteria in the absence of anything else happening. At all.

Confirms my plummeting opinion of modern English "Most Haunted" type shows as being even worse than the US varieties. What a shame.
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I cannot believe that i actually spent my time on this
skortzeny12 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK, first, it's one more "first person" camera, boring copy of the copy of so called horror movie. First 15 minutes i taught it might be something of it, but after 15 minutes a load of boring character appeared and started to talk!!! And they talk, and talk, and talk through all movie.From time to time, only faces were different, but even those new faces (at one point there was something like 7 of them in one place), were just talking about ghost, how they heard something about something else, etc. Then they walk all over the forest with some cheap night vision cameras, and filming trees and grave stones in the dark. Oh yeah, there was even a bunny hopping around the dark which got himself a ironic nickname given by one of the character. I used FF button a lot during this "masterpiece" and honestly, i didn't missed anything while skipping most boring pats, which is the most of this movie.

A documentary about ghosts can be found everywhere, but i guess that these guys didn't tried to shoot a documentary which would be only reason for filming something like this, and even then it would be bad.

Honestly, 6.2 of general score for this...."movie"? Not a chance. 1/10 from me. Of course, this is just my opinion, and i would not like to insult anyone.
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I'd rather be watching Emmerdale...
peter-941-5106699 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
WOW! All I can say, this movie is downright crap! I kind of suspected it to be one of those "let the cast rate the movie at IMDb to get a high rating and trick people into thinking it might be good" kind of movies, but I gave it a shot anyways because of the lack of good horror movies coming out right now. Well, I watched the first 39 minutes, before deciding to turn it off and watch a couple of episodes of "Ghost Adventures" instead.

This movie is apparently an attempt at making a movie copy of the popular paranormal investigation shows from TV. The difference, and what makes this bland and totally useless is the poor story, cast, editing, color grading, and the lack of a "real" investigation. Towards the end you get to see some cultists performing a ceremony with a tied naked woman. That's the most action this movie has. It's not scary, not amusing, and in no way interesting.

I'd suggest watching Emmerdale instead... It has more action than this piece of junk.
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africe18 August 2019
I read the reviews...good and bad..and so I must agree with the bad. It contained far too much filler which made for a completely boring film. More of a documentary about paranormal docu filmakers. I fell asleep 3 times. Camera work was dreadful. Should not be listed under horror.
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mrsheatherwatt30 September 2018
Do not waste your time watching this movie. Nothing happens at all and to ge honest it just doesn't go anywhere. Just wasted an hour and a half of my life!!!
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The Paranormal Diaries: FLOPFILL
superman121 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
At the start, I was weary of repeating the Blair Witch again. It can only be done once. Yet the first act of this did everything right. The characters were so totally real, while giving the build up of background, I started to believe it as it sucked me into its reality.

It was downclophill from there. It's like they didn't get that act two has to have the action. At 50 minutes still nothing was seen. They had gone to sleep, wandering in the darkness, making The Paranormal Diarrheas a frustrating missed opportunity.

Yet all the setup was there. The ghost-tbox. The EMF meters. The weak out-of-place ouija bored. The black mass being seen. All these were just going through the motions. I kept 'seeing' what should be. How great this film could become. For they had wound up the foundation of reality so well, one, just one scare could have changed the whole dynamic, for audience and characters. And upon the foundation crank up terror to such a real level that would not die, while invoking the other deeper world of character and all its developments. Always with the instinct to flee turned up to 11, do they stay and face their fears to fantastically find out what is going on, or run to safety?

0: When they were huddled in a group at night, a new figure could have leaned in and joined them. The audience could see but no one notices for ages.

1: Instead of the stupid ghost-box having only 'normal' random rubbish radio voices with fake forced subtitles, CLODFAIL later should have had a demonic voice as clear as thunder and lightning, stuff it. In fact with thunder, then lightning after 20 seconds. And what an impact that would make to this always failed device. I wish they had the Ovilus.

2: Then the black mass they approached at the out-of-sight angle could have had an added higher dimension of terror, even before it manifested Satan, a demon, or at least a plain figure. Super scary as hell.

When it finally did show something, it didn't matter it was nearly over and was done is the least scary way - at a distance. Typically indirect of CHLOROPHIL.

I was surprised once more though, that when the first close scare finally did come and come hell it did, the lady's reaction was exemplary, even more in its extension.


Which BLAIR WITCH counterpoints.

0]The background indistinct non-music atmosphere sound, even present at the end titles, just made you think of the original film. Any of 10 other new sooky sounds could have been created.

1] Crack sounds in the night, repeating. Rubbish.

2] The awful discovery of bleeding flesh on the ground.

3] The one clever discovery of the snake in the S for Sarah or Sophia whatever the dead person's name was resonates in shocking reality with the witchy twiggy symbols found in BW - the first real evidence.

4] Because nothing was happening, having each member stand alone even looked like a dull reflection of the end of the first movie.

But you can just insert a scare anywhere, instead of the bare boned emptiness they defaulted to, and build on that, and it's so easy. And this is just act 2 I'm talking. Haven't even got to 3 yet where it must go higher, newer, better as it comes together, and fly not die.

But now I know why. They were following the Blair Witch all the way. And that showed the minimal, but benefitted from it. CLOTPILL did show, but deficited from it.
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Very realistic feel to this found footage horror, with proper scares at the end.
maureen_smith510 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what some other reviewers are on about, as to me this very realistic found footage chiller had me hooked throughout. Nothing much happened in terms of scares to start with, even though it was unnerving throughout IMO. That last half hour though really brought on the scares with four top notch jump scares, that unlike many horror flicks lately, were out of the blue and truly made me jump(the first especially of them truly made me leap in the air, and I loved it). Yeah ok it went a bit silly towards the end in terms of the Satanic stuff(copying Paranormal Activity I suppose a bit), and it was a bit short, with maybe a bit more story needed. But it was another British found footage flick like The Borderlands too, that proves Britain possibly make the best actual scary horror out there. How its on a 3 rating on here I will never know, I really loved it.
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Aiming for a real experience
robertemerald19 October 2019
Obviously the creators of Paranormal Diaries wanted to create a movie that only just tips the scales into something genuinely, really genuinely, scary. It's true that nothing much happens. I got a scare only once. But it was an interesting, even intriguing, exploration of 'everyday paranormal'. It's really well acted, with a very honest and down to earth script. And there are no hysterics or over-blown personalities or sarcasm or poor attempts at humour that are so prevalent in modern movies. True, it's a documentary footage style, which is fashion I find difficult to fathom as something that's popular. In the end the movie will leave you with a certain chill, particularly if you relate to the English. Paranormal Diaries is just a diary, and as such deserves a better score than the 3.5 given here at IMDb.
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So bad...So so bad...
jaylemieux-2323721 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't read any reviews before I watched this since I just bumped into it while I was channel surfing one night. But I was getting ready for bed and decided I'd watch this just for the heck of it. I did like the cover of the movie!

Unfortunately, the picture of the movie was the best part of it, because it went downhill from about 5 minutes into it. They tried to explain what they were doing there with the usual cult/bad people doing bad things idea, and that was fine. Then, as the movie rolled on and they were actually investigating it, I started to get a feeling in the back of my head that was screaming "The Blair Witch Project" over and over again, and that's exactly the rest of the movie. Chasing around nothing, seeing nothing other than some weird people chanting around the fire. I loved TBWP just as a note, but you can only do that one time folks.

If you have nothing going on, and have zero chance of watching anything else, including 2 hours of infomercials, then watch this. But, if you can watch something else, please do. It was really, really bad.
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Not a bad film but daitch chase hasn't a clue
Daman-Malone13 June 2015
This movie is not a bad watch. It's got a good foundation of a story based on "Real Events" and the subject matter is always intriguing to watch. This being said I watched this film without reading any reviews or even reading the synopsis. After watching I started to read up on the reviews on here and there have been some very good opinions however daitch chase who left a review more to defend the movie clearly has an ulterior motive. I make it a habit to watch movies for entertainment and if it happens to peak my interested to find out more I will, but this is my own personal guide line, in any so called "REAL" movie if they people in the said "REAL" movie happen to be on IMDb with a list of credits I take their experiences to be more of an act than anything else. After all they are making a MOVIE even if the so called trivia states 90% of the film was real and not rehearsed. Actors are trained to react to their environment and place yourself as the character you are representing. So in a paranormal movie I expected much of the shaking of the camera, out the blue shock noises and just on the noise lets face facts when you walk do you have a score or musical effects follow you? no so at some point editing and sound and possibly visual effects were added. So this is a good movie but don't be like daitch chase if you like it great if not oh well. But don't pop at people who slate it.
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It Was Surprisingly Enjoyable & Believable
KKLuvNlife31 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
When I first picked up Paranormal Diaries: Clophill, I was not expecting anything more than another "found footage" flick to add to my watchlist.

Immediately, I was taken in by the set up with the interviews that included the names and location of the persons being interviewed. I thought this added a nice touch. The characters were very believable since they were an average looking group who didn't do the usual over acting you see in most of the low budget found footage films. I also really liked how they flashed back and forth from the footage to interviews...another realistic addition.

I always enjoy a film where I have to really read through all the credits to know for sure it didn't happen! If I have to even consider the possibility it may be true for even a moment, I call it a success.

I found it to be enjoyable.
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Works well in tricking skeptical people like me
nooware1 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is not an horror flick, but a suspense, thriller movie. This is not a remake of Paranormal Activity, at all. This is not either inspired by The Blair Witch Project. This is definitely not a Hollywood movie but an interesting UK project.

(((Beware: spoilers here)))

If you can bear the 99% of the movie where you secretly laugh at the documentary-makers building up their fears and beliefs facing what you believe is a big hoax, the very short sequence at the end will be great surprise for you.

I still don't believe what the protagonists say, that there could be demons, ghosts, or whatever supernatural involved. But in the end, there is something, that insane ritual involving humans. And a bad friendly man talking to a little girl looks very human too, though the main characters get convinced by the existence of paranormal facts they fail to explain.

During the whole movie which mixes documentary footage, making-of of this documentary and some fiction, there is nothing to prove anything paranormal. It's like those UFO sightings videos showing a small dot on the screen with pseudo-expert comments, excited witnesses playing with their fears, third-party reported hallucinations, material things that are not evidence, etc.

If you are skeptical like me, you will believe it's a hoax and wait for something unreal to happen towards the end. Another lame paranormal event, you just think, mocking the director for making this movie. But what you get to see is much more believable. You should just see it by yourself.
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Good simple horror
gav-136-4707309 February 2021
In the same vein as Ghost Watch and Most Haunted, but don't think this is going to be another American style found footage film. Includes real paranormal enthusiasts and local stories of a truly spooky location which I visited myself years before the film was made. Some real spine chilling scenes!
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Better than most
bogope11 August 2014
I was quite intrigued by this movie. There are so many of these 'found footage' and/or 'documentary crew investigates scary place' movies being made these years, and most of them are pretty dreadful. This one isn't exactly action packed, and one could reasonably argue that what little that actually happens doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It's something about ... I don't know. Something. But I have to say that I enjoyed it. What makes it better than most of this kind of movies, I think, is the very credible acting. In fairness, the actors don't have to do much except just walk around small-talking - but they do that very well. They come across as believable, real people. I'm not the most patient guy around and if it bores me, I have a tendency to skip the rest of a movie. This one I watched to the end.
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One of the stand out horror films to come out of Britain in recent years
FinalGuyHorror8 February 2016
Combining elements of Most Haunted, Blair Witch Project and The Wicker Man in a documentary melting pot may not sound like the most entertaining concept for a horror film, but then Clophill is not your average horror film. This latest feature from Off World Films and Bleeding Edge Films is a refreshingly understated and enjoyable take on a sub genre that has been recently defined by decidedly third rate fare.

Set in the actual village of Clophill in the UK, a place that has an actual history of haunting and occult activity, and shot in a documentary style the film follows a group of film makers that has set out to investigate the ruin of St Mary's Church. The now derelict building was once the site of satanic rituals and animal sacrifices, and a history of strange sightings and other paranormal activity has persisted to this day. Surrounded by a frightened and superstitious local population the team sets up for a three day investigation, unaware of what lurks at the old graveyard or what danger they may be in.

While undoubtedly marketed as another found footage affair, PD:C is very much a mockumentary; the first third of the film is made up almost entirely of interviews and voice over work. This adds credibility while allowing the filmmakers to let the situation dictate their exposition, without the over reliance on otherwise banal dialogue. This approach also allow the viewers to build a rapport with the characters and the situation, which helps to buy into the more traditional found footage horror elements of the film's final act. It's also worth nothing that the crew have confirmed that around 90% of the on screen action was based on actual experiences of the team while filming.

For people expecting a traditional, jumpy horror they are likely to be disappointed; PD:C is much more interested in building tension and atmosphere than throwing out cheap scares for ninety minutes. The film has more in common with the BBC's paranormal mockumentary Ghostwatch than Paranormal Activity, as the on screen action is presented in such a way as to be completely genuine. The scary moments, when they do come, are subtle and designed to make the hairs stand up on the back of your neck rather than force your bum from your chair. And while the inclusion of the post investigation interviews does add an element of predictability to proceedings it never affects the tension.

The performances of the cast are perfect across the board, and it never feels like watching anything but a sincere documentary film unfolding. The editing and setting are both spot on, and the camera work is admirably steady and a world away from the usual motion sickness inducing pap we have grown used to. There is a very British, stiff upper lip feel to the film that will certainly appeal to UK and European audiences. The story is very well written and executed, although if one were to pick a fault it was that the ritual element of the films last third could have been left on the cutting room floor with no detriment to the overall experience.

While PD:C may alienate a portion of the modern horror audience that has grown used to jump scares and gore the more discerning fan is likely to appreciate its attempts to do something different, shunning the predictability that this sort of film usually emits in great, stinking waves. One of the freshest and most enjoyable entries into the found footage genre we have seen in years, and one of the stand out horror films to come out of Britain in recent times.
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Leaves the viewer in a constant state of panicked anticipation
ersinkdotcom22 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a fan of "found footage" movies at all. First, they give me motion sickness to the point of projectile vomiting. Secondly, it seems like a gimmick filmmakers use as a way to make a cheap movie they can market to millions and profit off. Every once in a while, one comes along and makes me second-guess my attitude towards the horror sub-genre. However, it's always at home on a much smaller screen than the one found at your local multiplex.

When I received "The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill" in the mail, I immediately dismissed it as another "Paranormal Activities" wannabe. After being "harassed" by the movie's publicist (she's great at her job) for my review, I finally gave in while expecting nothing good to come of the experience. I was very wrong in my presumption.

"The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill" sets just the right mood to pull people into its hysteria. What could be more frightening than an old desecrated church in the middle of nowhere rumored to be used as a location for satanic worship? Add to that a disturbing history of death and tragedy and you have a perfect foundation for ghostly sightings and supernatural disturbances. Did I mention the church is surrounded by a graveyard?

The entire movie is made up of faux interviews with researchers and eyewitnesses mixed with video footage of the investigation. Old photos documenting the history of the church and its clergy add more of a realistic flavor to it. Every actor in the film is intent on proving to the audience what they are seeing is genuine.

"The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill" is unrated, but would earn an R if assessed by the MPAA. Frightening images, profanity, and nudity would garner the decision. Honesty, the full frontal nudity was unnecessary and could've been avoided. The scene pops up towards the end of the film and lasts about one minute.

Another subject I would like to address is the religious factors alluded to in "The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill." Some of the concepts explored in the movie point in the right direction if you're a Christian. One guy prays for protection and another man warns against the dangers of using Ouija boards to contact the dead. He also states the difference between ghosts and demons, which many people confuse when it comes to the supernatural.

The investigators in "The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill" still use a Ouija board and other similar tools to contact the dead. They just "hope" that any doorways they open while doing so will be closed afterwards. How often does that happen? It doesn't happen very often as you'll witness here.

Does "The Paranormal Diaries: Clophill" pull every cliché punch possible when it comes to the "found footage" technique of filmmaking? You bet it does… and it does it darn well. Every camera angle and every sound amplified leaves the viewer in a constant state of panicked anticipation, just waiting for something to jump out at you. It's the perfect example of the cinematography technique being utilized correctly.
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